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Ten Foot Poles previous band name was Scared Straight

The Guys

that is the order from left to right from the picture above

Scott Radinsky, who was the singer for TFP, and wrote some of their songs, left the band (on friendly terms) shortly after the the recording of the split EP with the Satanic Surfers. He left in account of the band's increasing popularity (therefore, increased touring), and because of his playing baseball, formerly for the White Sox, now for the Dodgers. He has now formed his own band, Pulley, which he also sings in, and they just released an album on Epitaph called "Esteem Driven Engine",which I highly suggest to TFP fans.

The Albums

Swill-good album with most of there older stuff,some of the songs even go as far back as when they were called scared straight.

Above is the famous "REV".one of the most influnecial pieces of the 20th century. Seriously, it's really good. Their first on Epitaph, best so far...

Ten Foot Pole/Satanic Surfers split EP- the songs on this are pretty good. The Surfers are good, but not as good as TFP. This is on Bad Taste Records, a Swedish label (as the SS are Swedes, as well) Overall good.

"UNLEASHED" - Without Scott, TFP has changed, but not in a bad way. Still rocking, the album, like REV, has hard and acoustic parts, awesome lyrics, riffs, and choruses. Also like Rev, almost every song is notably good. But, it is completely diferent from Rev, in all its likenesses. The songs are constructed differently, shorter, more to the point, carrying quickly from song to song. An equal, if not gaining over, Rev.

Promising to be the best ever,"INSIDER"came out only a couple of months ago(january 99).I've got the cd,i absolutely love it.the The best songs are "GETAWAY" and "STILL KNEE DEEP".


You can write to TFP at (with a SASE):

Ten Foot Pole

P.O. Box 3237

Simi Valley, CA 93093

As far as I know, they handle this themselves. They answer the letters (thats why the SASE), or they send you free stickers and a catalog of all their CDs and shirts, beanies, and even skateboard planks.

Ten Foot Pole do have an official site.
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