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A Guide to Pokemon Website
This Page is in Pikachu's Netsurf

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Here is what the Pokemon should look like on your site:
Name: Pikachu
Level: 18
Attacks: Thunderbolt,Thunderjolt,Thunderwave,Thundershock Interests: Eating(espically ketchup),singing with fellow Pikachu's

Notice I erase the fields that had the directions and fileld them in.

Want to adopt this Bulbasaur? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Ivysaur? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Venasaur? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Charizard? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Blastoise? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Butterfree? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Beedrill? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Fearow? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Pikachu? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Nidoqueen? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Nidoking? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Jigglypuff? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Wigglytuff? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Alacazam? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Diglett? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Dugtrio? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Primeape? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Poliwag? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Machamp? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Golem? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Magnaton? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Cloyster? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Gengar? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Hypno? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Electrode? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Exeggutor? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.

Want to adopt this Chansey? Copy and paste the HTML code below on your page.Make sure to follow the directions in the HTML.