Unrelated Crap


this is for my unrelated works, aka, crap you don't really care about. anyway.

Don't Judge Me--this is some crappy poem that i wrote for Language Arts. My friend says that it isn't crappy, that it's good...but my friends tend to soften things. *shrugs* sooo...read it, if you want, and maybe drop me a line, if you feel like it.

Within My Mind--another piece of junk that i wrote for Language Arts...these two stink, because i usually don't rhyme my poems. I'll probably put up some unrhyming stuff sometime.

Edge--This is something i'm not particularly proud of. It doesn't really have a rhythm. Anyway, it's sort of strange.

Broken--I wrote this after seeing this Discovery Channel thing on that captain dude...not Napoleon...the other guy he worked with...whatever. This is strange, too.

A Little Puddle--This is just a piece that I wrote while trying out different writing styles. This is...i dunno, kinda confusing. It's barely a page, so there really isn't a plot or anything...just...check it out.

they will be forgotten--This was written after...mmm...I think I wrote it right after I came home from a memorial service for one of my old teachers. Yeah...it's got stars and junk like that in it...sorta confusing. -_-;;; Read it if you like, I guess...

would you?--This...ano...it isn't the first song I've written and it definitely isn't the best, so...I dunno why I'm posting it, but yeah. It's a song, a really crappy one.

just run--...the only explanation I can provide for this one is that I was trying out a new writing style. ^^;; 'kayz? It's about fear...and it's only about a page long. I think.

my Cruel Angel--I dunno why I wrote this. ^^; I think I was inspired by something one of my friends wrote, so...it's a poem about someone and their angel, but not the type that you'd expect.

last night's dream--just as the title says.

Light a Candle::1::2::--Umm....I had to write this poem based off of a song by Avalon (?? Had no idea...) called Light a Candle....and that was the first poem. That I did for class....then my teacher wanted me to read a poem for this class, like...show thing. o.O So I tried to write one, but ended up just revising, and that's where the second one's from. ^^;; this is the happiest, lightest, most hopeful ladeedah dance and skip around poem I've ever written and intend to write.

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