
OH NO! NOT ANOTHER FINAL FANTASY VII PAGE-- Home of the Internet Series. o.O;; Webmaster: Frank. Just Frank, 'cuz I can never get his last name right. ^.^ He's got a lot of really good fanfiction aside from the series, but it's all FF7. He has links, bios and a miniscule humor section. If you haven't read all of his fics, I suggest here, 'cuz they kick booTAY.

The Edge of Sanity-- Athena's kick-ass page. Athena kicks ass, too. O_O She was my inspiration for finally getting the guts to make a site. Her site is fantastic. She has massive amounts of fanfiction from FF7, FF8, Ronin Warriors, Tales of Destiny, Digimon, and prolly a couple other things I'm forgetting. There's lots of links and polls and other stuffers, too, so this is a realllllly super great site to check out! ^~

Angelfire's Final Fantasy VII Page--The author of Sephiroth's Sister resides here. Check out her page, poke around in the Library, cruise around her FFVIII section, click around her fanart... She so kindly gave me the first piece of fanfiction to post, as well as being the first to post my fanfic, as horrible as it is, so do me a favor and check out her site.

Pegasus--O_O Personally, I haven't been to this site in ages, and this was the most recent link I could find, so I'll keep you posted. ^~ Last time I went, it kicked ass still, though, so hey. Give it a shot.

Amara Enid's page just kicks ass. What can I say? She's the author of the First Glance Trilogy, as well as it's sister, Before They Were. O_O Ohhhhh but that's not it, see!! OHohoho. She's got FF8 fanficcie doos too. Her Raine and Laguna fic, Pretty Good Year, is one I absolutely adore. She's got several other short fics, and awesome original poetry and some other (very amusing. ^~) tidbits. This a super kewlzies site if you're looking for a good one to cruise.

e v o l u t i o n

Welllllll...this site is closed. O_O But she promises to come back!! ^~ Sydney Kyle is the author of some of the best fanfiction I've ever read, though not necessarily FF7. She's also the author of the famed "The Final Sacrifice", a real tearjerker that had me sobbing. When she reopens her site, bigger and badder than ever before, I'll let all of you know, I promise!

Final Fantasy Chaos--Formerly known as Jen's Final Fantasy VII Page. I guess Jen's given up the page, 'cuz I'm not sure *whose* hands it's in right now, but it's still got great stuff. O_O Fanfics, RPGs, ;=links, the works. This a great site to sap up all of your time with. ^~ Muchos to read.

Rocket Town: the Shinra 26--After months of down time, the Captain's got it back online!! ^~ This is one of the greatest final fantasy sites. There's FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX! O_O He has fanfics and links and games and polls and information and ooooh all kinds of stuffers. ^.^ It's such a kewl site. There's something for pretty much everyone here. ^~

GlassShard's site is, I do believe, currently down. ;_; Boo. But when it gets back up! O_O Ohoho! @_@; then we'll be in business. O.O; Or, rather, she'll be, but...bah. I'm tired. You know what I mean.

Sakura no Kaerizaki--Gah. They changed their site name, shuffled the Dwelling off onto Darth Joshua, and apparently killed of Master Junj. ^~; But Junjie and Mags (previously known as the Mistress of Midi) still have a great site going, with their awesome fanfiction up, and they're now accepting both video game and anime fanfiction. O_O There's a lot to read here, and it's pretty, too. ^^ Good site, yesyesyes.

The Lioness World--This is a great place. ^~ You've got your final fantasy side and your digimon side. O_O Ficcys GALORE here, btw, so that's a plus. FF7 and FF8, humorous and serious. O_O Nanaki Lioness is great and her writing is terrific. ^.^ Another terrific site. O_O Great for a fanfic-reading binge.

Crimson Elf's Cathedral--Home of FF7:Twisted, the fic that started all these lovely FF7 AU fics. O_O Really grea fic...she's got loads of things to choose from. There's fanart...square fanfiction, psx fanfiction, and snes fanfiction. O_O She's a marvelous writer, so if you have some time on your hands, read her stuff. It's good.

Faerie Tales--"Home to Pandora Vetinari" Pandora's a great writer. She has a lot of really great fanfics...and her site is *gorgeous*! O_O I wanna html like that...^~

Akane's Dreamcatcher--O_O This is a Ranma site. I'll tell you that straight away. But this is also Akane-chan's site, and it kicks ASS! O_O She's got super kewlziez fanficcies an' links an' shrines an' a couple of clique/club things. And it's so pretttyyy...*drools*

Soceress Angelique's Final Fantasy Heaven--^.^ Small site, granted, but still nice. It's got, lesse...poetry, fanfics, links and music, I do believe. Drop in sometime. ^~ The poetry's gooood.

O_O Hmm...welllll...Sydney-SAMA still kicks ass, but the site is closed until she revamps and stuff. O_O The "old" (;_; her site are always all gorgeous. I'm jealous.) archive is still up though, so you can still read her ficcy-poos. O_O Damn good ones, too, some of my favies.

Mythril Mines--Oooh...Minerva's site. Good site. O_O Lots and lots and lots of stuff. ^.^ Fics, art, rambles...o_o and lots of other stuff I'm not sure how to categorize. ^~ But hey, it's all good. @_@; Just...whatever you do....;_; for the love of GOD or any other such deity, don't touch the black gummy bears!!!

Ivy's FF7 Realm--Whee! ^o^ Here's another kawaii lil' site. Ivy's got ficcys, linkies, ramblies, profiles and stuffers. O_O Many, various, stuffers. ^^;; FF7, I do believe...

Aes Sedai's FF7 Haven--*nods* This is a lil' jinja that's sprung up, w/ some pieces on a couple of contradictary topics. O_O Read her ficcys...;_; they're really good. The Sacrifice had me teared up, and The Irony of Love jus' kicks some ass. ^^ Webmistress is kewlziez, too. Anyway...;_; Her ficcys are yummy....*nods* Makes for some kickass reading! ^~

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