
O_O fanficcy page. for submissions....not currently accepting any, look for new guidelines someday. crappy works

Storm Gathering
Um...this is the story that's going to be replacing LCBB. It takes only the very basics....and the writing is gonna be a lot better this time around. Now that I've gotten a fresh start, I'm starting to regain my enthusiasm for the story...for those of you that want to see the old story, go

She Was There
s'a poem written...supposedly a little cloud/tifa job. pretty low quality, even in my eyes but it gets the point across.

What Did I Do Wrong?
O_O short ficcy...pretty badly written, needs smoothing over, but not a bad start, i think. it's got a rough concept in there somewhere. this was during my little obsession w/ tifa committing suicide.

Late at Night With Nothing to Do
Gah. This is really stupid. My friend, Snarfy, and I are morons. That's my only explanation.
Characters You Love To Hate
"Oy. This isn't as stupid as the last one."I beg to differ. x.x it is.

Answers In the Sky
piece of crap that i tried to write off as introspective. Not sure why i leave it up, but read it if you wanna be disgusted by some crappy writing. tifa thinking. >.< disregard all a/ns at the bottom.

Azure Dreams
O_O seifer poem. ^^; I'm actually kind of fond of this one.

other writers...(sweet sweet relief from me.)

Sephiroth's Sister
Written By Angelfire
A/U. Sephiroth has a twin sister....takes place post-meteor, one of those "good guy bad guy which is which" fics....^^ I'm fond of it.

Lady Gizmo's Teardrop Series
Tears Fall Like Shooting Stars
Tifa is in Nibelheim, thinking about Cloud and where her future lies.
Times Tears For Lost Loves
Cloud stands above the ruins of Midgar, thinking about how he lost the four most important people in his life.
Waterfall of Silent Teardrops
Sephiroth is defeated but there is one more thing Vincent has to do before he can be at peace.
Hidden Teardrops
In the fourth story in the Teardrop series, Rufus looks back on the life he has led, and the tears that have fallen.

Always There
Written by Lady Gizmo
Reno has a conversation with a barmaid which drastically affects both their lives.

Written By Lady Gizmo
Why does Seifer hate Squall and spite Zell the way that he does? Take a trip into Seifer's past and be witness to the tragedy that occured so many years ago.

Bittersweet Forever
Written by Lady Gizmo
Some things may not be meant to be, but you can still hold on to what you love.

Guided By Starlight
Written by ~*~*TiFa StRiFe~*~*
This heart-wrenching tale has Tifa and Cloud fans all over worshipping it. In this stunning tale, Cloud must deal with Tifa's death. After a year of marriage, though, he finds that it isn't as easy as it sounds. But he has to move on, because Tifa isn't coming back...or is she?

A Beginner's Wish
Written by ~*~*TiFa StRiFe~*~*
In a world where vampires do exist, what events have occurred to make a young woman loathe her former love so intensely? (And WHY is he such an asshole??)

The White Plume
Written By C. M. Ryan
A tale centered on Seifer after Ultimecia's defeat. The thoughts that go through Seifer's mind as he faces Death for what could be the last time.

Will You Be Waiting?
Written by Sydney SAMA
"a depressing and debatable fic about the extreme measures tifa will take for cloud." This fic is awesome.

Payback's a Bitch
Written by Joseph Lacey
Hmm..I nearly killed myself formatting this fic. Read it. O_O;; Or you could go for Mr. Lacey's description...
"It's three years after the defeat of Sephiroth, and all is not well. Not only are there wars everywhere, a mysterious person known as Gyver has ressurected Sephiroth in hopes of defeating AVALANCHE. (fallen's note: O_o do they ever learn??) However, Gyver's plan are more sinister than the destruction of our heroes. His goal is to eradicate all humankind!(gasp)"

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