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Who we are:
Codename: 007 is a fan club for James Bond fans of all ages. Even though the club was originally founded by AOL members and started out just having AOLers as club members, we really want all James Bond fans to join our club, regardless of Internet provider. All you need is an email address. We are also a strictly unofficial club that is completely 100% free to join and take part in.
We like to encompass all aspects of Bond, official (i.e. MGM/UA made) and non-official, from all the movies, to current news, to the literary Bond. That is why we are the club for every James Bond fan.

What we do:
Well you can't very well have a club without having it do something. At this point, our club is mainly based on a newsletter that comes out every few weeks with lots of info about all the aspects of Bond. We also have trivia questions and polls, like who is the best Bond etc. Some day, we hope to make this website an integral part of our club as well.

The name of our club is Codename: 007, thought up by one of our founders, Bondluke00. It originally started as a club for James Bond fans on AOL. Codename: 007 was founded somewhere in February 1998 by a guy who's screen name was Doom684 (it has been changed since then). Doom684 was also the president, and soon after, Bondluke00 was appointed the vice president. This is when the club really started to gain membership and the newsletters started to form into what they are today. Back then there were actually club chats in the AOL chat rooms.
As time went on, the newsletters were getting better while the chats were getting more sparse. Eventually Doom684 wanted to go on to do other things. StealthEMG, showing a lot of interest and knowing a lot about James Bond, was appointed the new president. Bondluke00 wanted to do other things as well, so Afitch9121 (Formerly Txhorn007 and other screen names), also showing huge interest and knowledge of James Bond, was appointed vice president. Bondluke00 is still with the club , while Doom684 went to pursue other things. After a while though, the club seemed to start to fall apart. The newsletter was as good as it had ever been, but member participation was nil, and eventually the staff just stopped making the newsletters and trying to have chats. So the club took a "little" hiatus to try to fix things.

Starting in the summer of 1999, with The World is Not Enough only a few months away, the staff started to redo the club, get new members, change the format of the newsletter, and build this website. And that takes us to where we are today.

Finally up on August 15th, 1999

Addendum to come