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Because it affects the nervous system in the same way as heroin or opium, some addicts use OxyContin, a type of oxycodone anesthetics, as a substitute or supplement to street opiates, such as heroin.

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What is Oxycontin?

OxyContin is used to treat moderate to severe chronic pain (for example, cancer pain). This medicine is long acting and narcotic for pain reliever. This medicine acts on certain centers of the brain to relieve you of pain. This medicine should not be used as a necessary for light pain, which will disappear within a few days or to prevent pain after surgery. If you did not take this drug before surgery, then you should not use it for acute pain in the first 12 to 24 hours after surgery.

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Drug addicts have come to the conclusion that the popular drug oxycontin is gradually replacing heroin. Drug-addicted young people are increasingly “switching over” from heroin to a potent, but legally manufactured, drug.

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“We risk losing a whole generation,” warns one of the authors of the study, Ruan Laxon. - The flow of pills to the underground drug market can not be stopped. Today, not only traffickers but also medical offices trade in oxycontin. ”

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The main problem is that the sale of narcotic drugs brings trillions of dollars to pharmaceutical companies. Manufacturers spend a lot of money on the promotion of tablets, as well as hiding the negative effects of their use. For example, it is still not known exactly how many deaths resulted from the use of oxycontin.

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Potent pills have become so popular in recent years that even Mexican drug cartels have reported declining revenues. Representatives of the La Familia Michoacana syndicate, for example, once accused the US government of "monopolizing the drug market."

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It is curious that pharmaceutical companies that have their lobbyists on Capitol Hill have blocked in recent years several dozens of state and federal bills that increase the punishment for the illegal trade in potent drugs.

The Slacker family are famous and respected philanthropists not only in the USA, but also in the world. In the British Museum in London, in the Paris Louvre and the New York Metropolitan Museum the halls are named after them, their surname can be found in the names of educational programs and laboratories of dozens of institutes and research centers in several countries.

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But there are also little-known aspects of the life of the Slackers. They rarely talk about a family business - Purdue Pharma. This pharmaceutical company has developed the most famous anesthetic drug, oxycontin. According to Forbes, he brought the company about $ 35 billion.

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The active ingredient of the drug is oxycodone, a relative of heroin, which appeared in Germany in 1916 and is almost two times stronger than morphine. Previously, because of justified concerns about their narcotic properties, doctors prescribed such powerful drugs to patients only in the event of acute pain in the later stages of cancer. But Purdue Pharma has managed to present its medicine as a medical breakthrough, capable of relieving moderate and severe pain safely and without causing dependence. Thanks to her efforts, OxyContin was prescribed for a wide range of conditions, and soon millions of patients began to perceive it as a lifeline that helped them get rid of their torment.