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Ok, this is a page about me, so you can know who's page you're looking at. First of all, here are some pictures...

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click on the thumbnails to see a drawing of my name, a drawing of my eyes & mouth, and a self-portrait photo - i'm in the process of making art pages to display my work, so click here to see what's up so far.

email me!

hmmmm.... what to say about myself? I guess I'll start with the basics: I am a Vis Arts media major at UCSD, with emphasis in Photography i think, although i want to go into graphic design. I am 19 years old, I was born here in San Diego, but pretty much grew up in Newport Beach. I have 3 little brothers, which seems like a lot but they're really cool most of the time. I am white, blonde, tall, blue eyes, Catholic, artistic, i dunno what else.

My Likes:
mostly listening too it although i have tried playing guitar
doing art
drawing, photography, painting, graphic design, collage, decoupage, sewing, you name it
looking at art
some of my favs are Picasso, Gerhard Richter, Steve McCurry
hanging with good friends
good food
pasta, pizza, vegetarian food, chocolate, pie
my old place of work The Pizza Bakery
yummy food, good times
shopping when i have money to spend
i honestly dont know i would survive my life without a good relationship with God
cool, unique people that make the world interesting and fun to live in

Canyon Vista food
nasty stuff
shopping when i have no money to spend (usually)
studying, homework, midterms, finals, class
The Sunshine Store (evil, evil!!)
uncool people
closed-minded people, mean people, dishonest people
emotional pain (the worst kind)

ummm what else? i was gonna try to say something about my personality, and i dont really like what i used to have here, and now i dont know what to say. well if you're reading this you probably know me already, and have your own view of me and perceptions about who i am. and if you dont know me i cant just tell you who i am, so there's really no point in trying. so i'm lee and this is my website, hope you like it!


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