<xmp> <body> </xmp> New Page 1



::Sunday Night Sin::

::Sin Results::


::PPV Results::


updated Tuesday May 8th, 2006

Welcome to Wireless Championship Wrestling

Hello! We had some legal trouble lately, so we shut down for a while. The legal stuff is cleaned up. All wrestlers that were on the roster was deleted. Please Join or re-join. We are looking for some good wrestlers. Title shots are up on the PPV page. Check out the new and updated rules. Some people were suspened from WcW due to legal reasons. Matchs are to resume on May, 28th 2006. That is if we have at lease 6 people on the roster. I have added 2 new site manager. Please Welcome General Manager Madroxcide Killa and CEO Tut. If You would like to be an match writer please email me.

-Past Superstar

Hey All, I have made some changes to the join page. it will help management to be more creative. Please make sure you are filling out the whole application. Without that info, we are unable to put you on the roster.

Thank You
*Madroxcide Killa

Finally, It's me! Tut. The site was heavy on the mb's so I took the liberty of changing the site layout just a bit. hopefully we'll be running a flash site soon, but right now that is all up in the air. Past superstar took the time to get a new role-play board. You have to now register to use it. This is to stop the copy cats and someone using others id's. So sign up to be on the roster with the join link then go to rp and register to use the board.

Catch you







::Title History::