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The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword

A skirmish scenario set during the War for American Independence,
for the Rencounter rule set by Ed Allen.

Colonial Game Information


Ben Chamberlain, a respected local merchant, militia leader, and publisher of anti-English pamphlets and papers, has been found out. Word has been passed by informants that a strong patrol of British infantry has been dispatched to his house to seize Ben and his press. A few of the local Minutemen and Militia have been hastily assembled and are making their way toward Ben's house to take him, his son Robert and their printing machine into hiding.

The Minutemen under Captain Jones, and Militia with Sergeant Brunich and John Farmer arrive together on the South side of the Table. The Minutemen with William Oxbridge will arrive shortly.

Ben and his son are in their home, unaware of the impending danger.

Remove Ben, his son Robert, and their printing press from the house and safely off the south side of the table.


The Minutemen with Captain Jones enter the table from the South side on their first activation at point D.

The Militiamen with Sergeant Brunich enter the table from the South side on their first activation at point E.

The Militiamen with John Farmer enter the table from the South side on their first activation at point F.

Old Ben and his son start in their home, and may not move until a shot is fired or the commotion outside is heard.

Special Rule: Old Ben suffers a two point morale penalty if Young Robert is killed, suffers a crippling wound, or succumbs to his wounds. Similarly, Young Robert suffers a three point morale penalty if Old Ben is killed, suffers a crippling wound, or succumbs to his wounds. Actions lost due to these penalties will be spent tending to the wounded man.

The Minutemen with William Oxbridge will enter from the south side on their turn, determined as follows. After their first activation, roll 1D6 each time they successfully activate. If the roll is less than or equal to the number of active turns they have already spent off board, they enter. Example, if the unit has activated three times already, and rolls a three or less on 1D6 at the beginning of their fourth activation, they enter using that activation.

British Game Information


A loyalist informant recently discovered that Ben Chamberlain and his son Robert, two respected local merchants, are the ones responsible for the recent rash of inflammatory and abusive publications denouncing the King and British sovereignty. This rabble-rouser must be stopped and his press confiscated.

A strong patrol of fifteen infantry has been assembled and placed under the command of Captain Hoyle. This may be the chance the captain has been waiting for to prove that his breeding is certainly up to the tasks that service in the colonies requires. The patrol is to be accompanied by two loyalist scouts. Proceed to the home of Ben Chamberlain and seize him, his son, and the printing press they have been using.


The infantry under Captain Hoyle enter on the North edge of the table on their first activation at point A, in column.

The infantry under Sergeant Thompson enter on the North edge of the table on their first activation at point B.

The infantry under Corporal Twitch enter on the North edge of the table on their first activation at point C.

The loyalists scouts enter anywhere on the North edge of the table on their first activation. Note that they each form their own "unit" and are their own leader, for game purposes.

Game Map

Scenario Map Image
Each square is one square foot.

Note: The entire open ground area should be scattered with individual trees, bushes and rocks to provide some amount of cover.

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Page last updated: January 13, 2003
Copyright ©2003, William Scarvie

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