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English Archers of the Hundred Years War

Archer Closeup

The images below are details of the unit of English archers shown above. All of these figures are either from Foundry or Games Workshop. Regardless of their manufacturer, every one of these were sculpted by the amazing Perry twins.

Champion closeup
The unit's Champion
Two-fingered salute closeup
The famous English
At the ready closeup
At the ready
Reloading closeup
Reaching for another
Letting fly closeup
Letting fly
Padded armor closeup
Padded armor
Another ranker closeup
Another ranker
Yet another ranker closeup
Still another
Master huntsman closeup
Master huntsman
Scale skullcap closeup
Scale skullcap

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Page last updated: January 13, 2003
Copyright ©2003, William Scarvie

Any advertisements below are placed there by Angelfire, not by me. Companies or links advertised below do not imply my endorsement of these places. For the places I like to visit, please see my Links or Rocketry Links pages.