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HRUBÝ ROHOZEC - chāteau, national cultural heritage

The chāteau is located on an argillite rock that towers above the River Jizera valley. The original early Gotic castle from the 13th century, which used to watch over the trade route, was rebuilt several times - in late Gothic, Renaissance, and Empire styles. The original interior of part of the chāteau has been preserved in several rooms: the libary, the Neo-Gothic dining hall, and the reception room. A display in the other parts of the chāteau introduces the development of the culture of living and clothing from Renaissance to Czech Art Nouveau. The natural landscape park with its statues and its stonemason's elements from the 19th century put the finishing touches to the chāteau's surroundings.

VALDŠTEJN - castle

The Family castle of Valdštejn was founded in the middle of 13th century on three sandstone block of different height in the rock town of Hrubá Skála ("Rough Rock"). For some time it became a Hussite fort and a den of thieves. It was then divided into an interesting double-castle during the 15th century, and at the end of the 16th century the castle burned down. Albrecht of Valdštejn acquired the Castle after the uprising of the estates. Members of this noble family built a baroque place of pilgrimage in the front part of the castle with the Chapel of St. Jan of Nepomuk, and constructed the unique sculptural decoration of the bridges. Its present look stems from romantic redevelopment on the 19th century during Aehrenthals' times. Another object of interest is a portraint of what is presumed to be Karel Hynek Macha in the alcove chapel in the first castle-courtyard. Apart from tours of the extensive castle area and the permanent displays on offer, visitors to the castle can also enjoy seasonal exhibitions or concerts, and watch fencing or the training of birds of prey all season. Visitors can also enjoy the traditional Valdštejn fair in mid-May, with its rich cultural programme.  

TROSKY - castle ruins

The original castle was built on two volcanic tops by Čeněk of Vartenberk in the 14th century. The castle ruins are a charakteristic dominant feature of the region and one of the symbols of the Bohemian Paradise. The remains of two towers watch over the surrounding countryside. These are known as "the Old Hage" (Baba) and "the Virgin" (Panna). The viewpoints on both towers are open to the public. We can also enjoy a number of events, such as period fairs or fencing.

SYCHROV - chāteau, national cultural heritage

The Chāteau of Sychrov is gem of the Bohemian Paradise and among the most popular historical sites in the Czech Republic. Albrech of Valdštejn acquired the original landed estate’s court after the Battle of Bílá Hora (the White Hill). In 1669, the Lamotts of Frintropp became the owners of the estate and built a baroque castle with a tower and a chapel there in the course of 1690 - 1693. From 1820 onwards the chāteau belonged to the prominent Frech noble family the Rohans. The whole castle was extended and rebuilt in the romantic Gothic style during the second half of the 19th century. There is also a large Englich park with exotic trees. There are several tours around the sumptuous interiors of the chāteau. The collection of Central Europaen French portrait paintings in the Rohan Gallery is particularly worth visiting. Concerts, theatre performance, night tours, fencing, and compound programmes (falconry shows, period fairs and feasts) are also held on the chāteau premises. Several films and fairytales have been shot on the chāteau grounds. The chāteau is open all-year-round.

HRUBÁ SKÁLA - chāteau

The original 14th century castle is situated on massive sandstone rocks. It was adapted into a comfortable aristocratic mansion in the second half of the 16th century, and was rebuilt in a Gothic style during the 19th century. A connecting bridge with precious baroque statues leads over the rock cleft to the chāteau. A number of tales and legends are connected with the chāteau. There is a hotel and restaurant on the chāteau premises. However, the chāteau courtyard is still open to the public, and it is possible to climb the spiral staircase to the top of the tower and enjoy the magnificent view of the whole rock town and of Trosky Castle.

HUMPRECHT - chāteau

Besed on the project of the famous Italian architect C.Lurago, Jan Humprecht Černín of Chudecnice had this baroque hunting lodge built during 1667 - 1672 on the seite of an original fortress. It was built as an imitation of the Galas Tower in Istambul on an elliptic plot. The Černín oval hall, whitch is 16 metres high and witch is adorned with beautiful murals, is remarkable for its acoustics - we can experience a multiple echo here. It is also possible to enjoy an enchanting view of the town of Sobotka and its vast surroundings from the wooden gallery around the middle part od the chāteau. A wide range of interesing, events are organised on the chāteau premises during the season, the concerts in cernin Hall being particularly worthy of note.

KOST - castle

Kost Castle (Bone) is in excellent condition and is one of the biggest and most beautuful castles in the Czech Republic. It has justly become a site much sought after by film crews. Petr of Vartenberk founded the castle during the 14th century on a separated sandstone rock on a spot located among three marshy valleys and ponds. The strongest part of the castle is the Main "White" Tower, which has an irregular trapezoidal base and therefore, from a certain point, we can see all four of its corners at once. Most of the castle premises are open to the public, including the very attractive black kitchten with its wide range of equipment.


Frýdštejn is a medieval castle ruin from the 14th century that was besieged by the Hussites in vain. The huge cylindrical tower, which rises above the Vranov ridge, was used as the home of witches in a number of film fairy-tales.


The 14th century castle, rebuilt and extended in the 16th century, is one of our most beautiful rock castles. It is possible to climb up the narrow staircase in the rock to the tower of the castle palace and look out over the whole premises and its surroundings.


Nowadays this is only the romantic debris of a mid-13th century rock castle Even today we can crawl through the rock rooms carved directly into the rock on several storeys, one above the other.


A picturesque castle ruin from the 14th century that was originally founded by the noblemen of Lemberk on three sandstone rocks.

VRANOV - Pantheon

There was already a castle on the narrow, steep, rock ridge here during the 15th century. The castle was renovated into a romantic Pantheon at the beginnig of the 19th century, and a NeoGothic chapel was built here too. The chapel used to serve as a hunting lodge. It is possible to reach the highest rock along the paths, stairs, and footbridges. This rock towers more than 130 meters above the level of the Jizera River.

Accommodation Czech Paradise 2009