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of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, ended May 2004

Our Theatrical Website History Links

NEW: Ecstatic Theatrics Website: Oct. 2011 to present
Old: Firehouse Theater Website: May 2006 to Feb 2010

Jeannette Jaquish's Scripts Website: 1998 to present

Shoestring Theater became the Firehouse Theater and now is Ecstatic Theatrics.
----- Click the links above! -----
This website is left up for historical purposes.


This website is OLD! I leave it up for its historical value:

OLD INFO: SHOESTRING THEATER is looking for enthusiastic people age 7 on up to act in short skits and full length plays, operate puppets, joke, sing and do tech work like costumes, sets, lighting and sound effects.

If you'd like to join, call Jeannette at (260) 484-5946.

The Shoestring policy is to pay the expenses and then divide the profits among the crew and actors. Find another local theater that does that!
SEEKING NEW STAGE! After 5 monthly Go Bonkers shows and 6 Dr. Frankenstreudel performances at the Pfeiffer House, Shoestring is looking for another stage.
We are currently performing at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art which is a beautiful auditorium, but a tad expensive. We would like our own space where we can rehearse, store stuff and perform. We need a room or building with parking where we can erect platforms, hang permanent lights and fit in at least 50 audience people. We can pay rent, depending on the attractiveness and size of the building. We can share the space with another business or expand our shows to fill it ourselves. If you know of a church or restaurant with an unused stage, or a vacant building, even with no stage, for a good price, please call Jeannette at 484-5946.

Productions Happening Now:

Go Bonkers is performing Sunday, Feb. 22, 2004 at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art auditiorium at 2:00 pm. Adults $5, under age 13 $4. We hope to do monthly shows, every 4th Sunday.

Go Bonkers Comedy Jam is on the road visiting retirement homes (and getting paid).

Future Productions:

Marching in the St. Patrick's Day Parade with our giant walking puppet girl.

May 1, 2004: Performing a short play at the Franke Park School Spring Carnival.

About the Director

Jeannette Jaquish has written 6 full length plays and dozens of shorter ones. She directed shows at the Red Barn Theater in Tucson, Arizona for three years before moving to Fort Wayne in the summer of 2000. See the Red Barn in Tucson, AZ website!

See Jeannette's scripts and links to hundreds more at FunAntics Theater Scripts!

What we have done in our first year and a half!

Shoestring Theater made the front page of the Journal Gazette with our St. Patrick's Day entry! March 2002
July 13, 2002
Shoestring Theater and HOSS (Hoosier Outer Space Settlers) marched in the Three Rivers Festival Parade.

July 13, 14, 27 & 28, 2002
Shoestring Theater performed THE FROG PRINCE AND THE PRINCESS BRAT at Cinema Center Theater in downtown Fort Wayne.

May 2003
Director, Jeannette Jaquish directs FAIRY TALES ON THE MARS FRONTIER using Franke Park School students.

July 26, 2003
Shoestring began performing GO BONKERS COMEDY JAM once a month at the Pfeiffer House Cafe July, August, September, October and November of 2003.

Three of our home schooled actors, Greg Adkins, Melanie and Nick Lubs, and director Jeannette Jaquish, performed the puppet show "The Pumpkin Munching Monster" at Franke Park School, 10 times in one day! they lost their scripts during lunch and performed the afternoon on their memories.

October 17, 2003

Spring of 2004 Go Bonkers Comedy Jam performs at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art.

Late April, 2004
Frog Prince and the Princess Brat performs at Townehouse Retirement Home and at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art.

May 1, 2004
Frog Prince and the Princess Brat perform in the outdoor theater at the Franke Park School Carnival.

(This was our last production. Later we became the Firehouse Theater, and now we are Ecstatic Theatrics at

EMAIL SHOESTRING THEATER! (actually you are emailing Ecstatic Theatrics now.)
or type in "ecstatictheatrics (put the @sign here)"