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  What web page would be complete without copious amounts of links? That's right: none of them! The links below are ones that I feel are important to players, so I recommend that you guys read through them. Just so you aren't randomly clicking off to some location between Wonderland and Oz, I've also included a description of where you're going and why I want you to look there.
  Enough of my babbling, here's the links:

  • Player Immersion:   This is a short article (all of Blackjack's articles are short and informative, by the way) dedicated to breathing life into your character. Instead of putting everything on the GM to describe, describe what you think happened to your PC. Take a Light Wound? Did it give you a black eye or chip your tooth? Maybe it was a charley-horse? A deep gash on your left arm? Dig it. Read the article, it's good.
  • Lifestyles:    Here's a rather good link to lifestyle descriptions. I imagine I'll probably be writing one of these my own in the near future. Until then, this is a great resource.
  • Cyberware:   Think this is all a neat delving into fantasy? That none of this will ever happen? Here's a link to CNN where work is being done on artificial muscles.

  That's it for now, but I will be adding more later, don't worry.
