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Methos Quotes
Highlander Pictures
Joe: It's quite simple. Nine innings. Two halves to each inning. Three outs for each half-inning, played at a nice leisurely pace. Baseball, it's like, I don't know, it's like meditation.
Alexa: Three beers.
Joe: Okay, comin' up.
Methos: Excuse me, if I sat at a table, would you be my waitress?
Alexa: Is he a good tipper?
Joe: No.
Alexa: Well, too bad. Makes up for it being cute though.
Methos: Cute. I can do cute. I'm, uh, Adam Pierson.
Alexa: Where're you from?
Methos: Um...
Alexa: Your accent. You're not from here.
Methos: No, I've travelled a lot.
Alexa: Really? Paris.
Methos: Paris is too full of Parisians. Even the French don't like Paris.
Alexa: Venice.
Methos: Venice, the smell alone will kill you.
Alexa: Little young to be so cynical, aren't you?
Methos: Uh, if you say so.
Alexa: I just did.
Methos: What did I say?
Joe: Ah, forget it. Alexa's not your type, okay?
* * *
Methos: How long have you known her?
Duncan: Since she was fourteen. She was living with a foster family. They were pretty poor and intimidated that they had a prodigy in their midst.
Methos: And does she know...
Duncan: That she's one of us? Doesn't have a clue. Somebody does, though.
Methos: Hm?
Duncan: One of us tried to kill her. The recital hall. Then again a few minutes ago.
Methos: Who'd want her dead before her time?
Duncan: I don't know.
* * *
Methos: Alexa. You see, even her name is beautiful. There was something, you know. There was a...there was a spark. I wonder if she felt it? I mean I, I don't want to make a fool of myself. You ever feel like that?
Duncan: Couple of times. I don't see what the problem is.
Methos: What if she doesn't like me?
Duncan: What if she does? What am I going to tell her (Claudia)?
Methos: What about the truth? At least then she'd know what she's facing.
Duncan: Yeah. It'd be nice if she had a semblance of a normal life. Once she finds out what she is, that becomes impossible.
Methos: You can't keep her here forever.
Claudia: Duncan, I'm tired and I'm bored of being locked up in this dump. No offense.
Duncan: None taken.
Claudia: Why don't we go out for a drink or something?
Duncan: Yeah, a drink we can do.
Claudia: Really?
Duncan: Yeah.
Claudia: Oh, let's go to Bonatelli's. Would you call them and have them hold my table? And, uh, your friend can come along if he'd like.
Methos: Uh, no thank you. I have other plans.
Claudia: Seriously?
Methos: Totally.
Claudia: Really?
Methos: Absolutely.
Claudia: Well, you lose. I know the paparazzi will be there, so you will tell them that we're just friends.
Duncan: We are just friends.
Claudia: I know. They don't know that though.
* * *
Alexa: Sorry, Joe.
Joe: No problem. It's all right. How'd it go?
Alexa: It's not getting any easier, if that's what you mean.
Joe: Wish there was something I could do for ya. Oh yeah, you, uh, you have a customer waiting.
Alexa: Well, either you like to drink or you're crazy about the blues.
Methos: No, I was waiting for you. *You see, I leave you speechless. This is an excellent start.* (time1.aif - 108K)
Alexa: Start to what?
Methos: To dinner, a film, a concert, a smile, a sunset, a walk... ah, all of the above, whatever you would like.
Alexa: Do women really fall for that line?
You see, I leave you speechless. This is an excellent start.
Methos: I have no idea. I've never used it before.
Alexa: Never is a really long time.
Methos: Well, to the best of my recollection.
Alexa: I'm waiting.
Methos: I'll have a draft beer, please.
Alexa: One draft beer.
Joe: Yeah, I got it.
Alexa: Why do you want to go out with me?
Methos: Because the alternative is unthinkable.
Alexa: Okay. Tomorrow, if Joe lets me have it off.
Methos: Oh, no, he will. I have pull here. (To Joe) Looks like you were wrong. Turns out she is my type.
Joe: I don't know. It looked like a lot of arm twisting to me.
Methos: A girl like that, you're lucky if you find one every 10 lifetimes. Joe? Joe, what? You got some kind of house rule about dating the help? What?
Joe: Alexa is dying.
* * *
Methos: Hi.
Alexa: Joe said I'd find you up here.
Methos: Lucky guess, or else I've become horribly predictable. Pull up a slab. This is nice, isn't it?
Alexa: I'm a little concerned about something.
Methos: Yeah, I sense that.
Alexa: This date we're supposed to go on? I don't think it's a very good idea.
Methos: Thought you liked me... a little.
Alexa: It's not that.
Methos: It's my nose, isn't it? Yep, it's my nose.
Alexa: It's not your nose. You have a very nice nose.
Methos: It's because you think I'm English. It's my accent. Uh, I don't have to be English. I can be Russian. Uh... Poezd na Kharkov hodit s eti platformi; it means "Is this the right platform for the train to Karkoff?"
Alexa: You're outrageous!
Methos: Russian doesn't turn you on. Okay, I can do it in Swahili. Except if I was speaking Swahili, why would I be wanting a train to Karkoff. Uh, Lithuanian? Nal Fasi?
Alexa: Please. Don't make me laugh.
Methos: Why not?
Alexa: Because it's not fair.
Methos: It rarely is.
Alexa: I'm sorry.
Methos: For what? You can tell me.
Alexa: I'm dying. (Methos nods.) You see, don't you? We can't go out tomorrow.
Methos: Absolutely. We'd better make it tonight.
* * *
Duncan: Don't say a word.
Methos: Oops. Where's Alexa? We, uh, we have a date.
Joe: She called in sick.
Methos: Where does she live?
Joe: Adam, she doesn't want to see you, okay? Just leave her alone.
Methos: Joe, I didn't ask for your opinion. I know she's dying, okay? You are all dying. Twenty years. Six months. What's the difference?
Joe: She's protecting herself. She's protecting you, don't you get it?
Methos: Yes, I get it. Now tell me where she lives.
* * *
Methos: Hi. Am I late?
Alexa: Only about a year. You shouldn't have come.
Methos: Hiding your husband in there, is that what's going on? Lover? Boyfriend? Seven dwarves?
Alexa: That's exactly what I'm doing. Hiding my husband, my boyfriend, my lover and the seven dwarves.
Methos: I can take 'em all on. I'm not afraid.
Alexa: I shouldn't have agreed to see you. It was stupid really.
Methos: Why?
Alexa: Because you don't need to be a witness to what I'm going through. It's going to get ugly.
Methos: You look beautiful to me. Look, whatever it is you're going through, I can handle it... if you let me.
Alexa: Why would you want to?
Methos: Because the alternative is unthinkable. How long?
Alexa: Less than a year. They don't know. Do you ever just wish time could stand still? (Methos hands her an envelope.) Plane tickets to where?
Methos: Anywhere you like. Everywhere, if there's time.
Alexa: It's not that easy.
Methos: Yes, it is. You spend whatever time you have left dying or you spend it living... with me. Please. Say you'll come with me, Alexa.
* * *
Alexa: We're going coast to coast in the van. Adam likes to call it our tour of the new world.
Methos: Well, it's all new to you, isn't it?
Joe: Sounds great. Then what?
Methos: Egypt.
Alexa: Isn't that romantic?
Joe: Well, he's certainly the man to take you.
Methos: Thanks, Joe.
Joe: Yeah.
Alexa: We'll write.
Methos: It's not long enough.
Duncan: It never is. You take it easy.
Joe: They don't know if she'll make it to Egypt.
Duncan: Doesn't matter. Even if she lives to be a hundred, he'll still have the pain of losing her.
Joe: Where's Claudia?
Duncan: Gone.
Joe: Unprotected? One of 'em trying to die and the other one tryin' to live. It's crazy.
Duncan: Not for her. Listen, Dawson, when, uh, you get a Watcher on Claudia...
Joe: Don't worry. We'll keep an eye on her.

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