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Ward 9
Padded Cell #81

Name: The Whipped Cream Goddess; Doling out, spreading, flinging, and otherwise attiring oodles and globs of flogged and sweetened dairy substances upon my fellow inmates or (Shiver! Sigh! Gasp!) The Master, Himself! Sigh, Gasp
Date of Birth: 11.30

The Whipped Cream Goddess was committed on February 25, 1999 due to insane giggling and furious fits of blushing at the mere thought of (GASP!) Methos and her severe obsession with the mass consumption of abused dairy products from multiple objects, edible and otherwise. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately. Methos's toes

Padded Cell #82

Name: Shawn Daniels; Asylum Cook
Date of Birth: 04.23

Shawn Daniels was committed on February 27, 1999 due to unneccessary conduct in the kitchen. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #83

Name: Sailor Mars; Asylum Guard
Date of Birth: 12.28

Sailor Mars was committed on February 27, 1999 due to too much addiction to Highlander. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Joe's Place

Padded Cell #84

Name: vixen69; Asylum Escape Facilitator
Date of Birth: 09.18

vixen69 was committed on March 2, 1999 due to ROG-related hallucination resulting from blue-frosting toxicity. Symptoms include boxer fetishism, excessive drooling, and, inexplicably, throwing food. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #85

Name: Katlin Macleod; Asylum Anceint Historian
Date of Birth: 07.11

Katlin Macleod was committed on March 11, 1999 due to exhibiting signs of public drunkeness, sword fighting, being cynical, and living forever. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #86

Name: Lucinda Simon; Grandmistress of the Methos Addicts
Date of Birth: 08.19

Lucinda Simon was committed on March 12, 1999 due to addiction to the ROG, so much so that every blank surface in her private space and others have become overwhelmed with mentions of one ROG to the point that she is suffering from withdrawl, praying on perfect strangers for smuggled tapes of any and all appearances of his alter ego. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #87

Name: Farquarson; Asylum Historian, Researcher and Keeper of Methos' Journals
Date of Birth: 09.11

Farquarson was committed on March 19, 1999 due to an obsession with our Lord and Master dating back to August 12, 1995 at precisely 5:23 p.m., when Methos first appeared in the episode bearing his name. This obsession has endured despite the fact that she has not seen Methos or his alter ego, Peter Wingfield, in any form of entertainment for nearly two years. She steadfastly maintained that she was totally sane and that her interest in Methos was perfectly normal until she took the Methos Obsession Test and realized that she needed help. Her symptoms include: hand-writing each episode from memory in an attempt to memorize and capture the words of the Ancient One, attempts to tape record every episode, for the same reason studying all moves made in swordfighting wedging Methos' lines into ordinary conversation, and reading every piece of fanfic ever written about Methos. Unlike most members of the Asylum, she is unable to consume alcohol in any form!

She possesses a peculiar knowledge of history, in that she knows, among other things, the *real* color of Cleopatra's hair, the song most European people were singing in 1538, the illness that affected George Washington's stepdaughter, and Nero's favorite food. So far, her information has always been correct, but she will only smile and say she has known these things for a *long* time. Upon determining these facts, she was diagnosed with Neurotic Methos Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #88

Name: Brianna; Asylum Thespian
Date of Birth: 01.31

Brianna was committed on April 2, 1999 due to a remarkable lack of self control whenever faced with Methos. She insisted on denying access to herself by many other fine, handsome men (most notably, Jarod the Pretender), insisting that Methos was the only man she could possibly ever adore. She has been known to collapse in fitsof giggles at the mere mention the the name "Methos," and it is even suspected that she has imprinted his voice on her computer sound system so that she can hear him speak everytime she does anything on the PC. Her thespian roots show as she suddenly and for no reason starts speaking to Methos as if her were there, consulting him in all of her dilemmas. These hallucinations and histrionics have led to severe impairment in functioning in the "real world" (if there is any such place). She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #89

Name: Nicole
Date of Birth: 11.05

Nicole was committed on April 6, 1999 because she is a Highlander nut who loves Methos and Duncan. My family and friends think I'm nuts because they don't understand why I need my Highlander fix everyday. I am a lurker on the forum who does not belong to a clan at all and I've been looking for one to join. I am a member of the Bronze Age Bunch. Methos is the best immortal and may Methos be the last immortal!!!. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

Padded Cell #90

Name: HighlandGal W-i-W BABE; Asylum Keeper of Methos' concience
Date of Birth: 02.03

HighlandGal was committed on May 7, 1999 due to the act that she was constantly saying "the alternative is unthinkable" and saying she could rember things that happened 5,000 years ago but before that it gets fuzzy. She was diagnosed with Neurotic Tipple Syndrome and committed immediately.

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