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Highlander Pictures
June, 2000

Posted 5/31/2000 [June Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum June Newsletter, 2000.
In this month's issue:

*Asylum Updates -- Contest Winners
*Birthdays for June
*Cruise '99 Transcript and Pictures
*HL IV Movie Review

* * *

- Asylum Updates

The winner of the fourth Asylum contest is Zzickle (PC#52), winning with 197 points. Other noteworthy scores: Kassain (PC#145) with 187 points, Dea (PC#144) with 171 points, Analise (PC#59) with 154 points, Kadira (PC#102) with 140 points and Canadian Girl (PC#91) with 114 points. Great job, everyone!

Due to lack of interest in the Asylum contests, I've decided not to hold any more. This may change in the future if more time becomes available to me and/or people email me, wanting to revive it. The main reason I'm doing this is because all of the contests held have had under 20 submissions. Surprisingly enough, even the last and most recent contest had only 13 submissions, and it was open not only to Asylum members -- numbering over 150 -- but also to anyone who wanted to participate.

I know one person requested that I send them all the URLs I received from the last contest in a compiled list. While I don't have the time to compile all the URLs I received, I would be happy to forward the emails I received to anyone. Please contact me if you're interested.

* * *

- Birthdays for June

6/2 - Blaise Lidwina (PC#117)
6/10 - Marguerite Rideout (PC#77)
6/14 - Bobbi Bell (PC#95)
6/15 - Krystal (PC#139)
6/19 - Princess Arsilyn (PC#70)
6/19 - Amatia (PC#143)
6/21 - Nynaeve (PC#53)
6/21 - Sandra from Longview (PC#126)
6/26 - Sorcha Dee (PC#2)
6/26 - Hellkat (PC#101)
6/27 - Karthwynn (PC#109)
6/29 - missy hanff (PC#116)
6/29 - Helen (PC#124)

Happy birthday to all patients with June birthdays! If your birthday is in June and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

- Cruise '99 Transcript and Pictures. Please do not send email to me regarding this; I am simply distributing the letter for anyone interested.

Date: Sun, 07 May 2000 15:57:27 -0000
From: "Pat Bentley" <patb@#####>
Subject: Cruise '99 Transcript & pics are up

Hi there, I finally finished transcribing the first of 4 videotapes of the last Cruise. Kris Milstead was kind enough to create a website for all of this. Go have a look. Feedback is always appreciated.

For pics:

Q&A Transcription:

* * *

- HL IV Movie Review. Please do not send email to me regarding this; I am simply distributing the letter for anyone interested.

Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 18:00:14 EDT
From: simlady@#####
Subject: HL movie web site

Sorry for crossposting.

Thank you to Rodney for finding this:


It's a pretty good one!


* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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