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Methos Quotes
Highlander Pictures
May, 2000

Posted 4/30/2000 [May Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum May Newsletter, 2000.
In this month's issue:

*Birthdays for May
*News from PWFC
*Convention Reports: HLDU3
*Queen of Swords Article

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- Birthdays for May.

5/4 - Cheryl (PC#120)
5/6 - Twilight Chimera (PC#132)
5/9 - Artemis (PC#96)
5/10 - Terr Windkin (PC#67)
5/10 - siva (PC#78)
5/13 - Poet Batarda Dareau (PC#149)
5/16 - dwolf (PC#73)
5/19 - Christy (PC#138)
5/24 - Canadian Girl (PC#91)
5/24 - Beth Fuller (PC#122)
5/28 - Nashayla (PC#47)
5/30 - des (PC#136)

Happy birthday to all patients with May birthdays! If your birthday is in May and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

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- News from PWFC

"My agent has today completed negotiations for me to play a regular and recurring role in David Abramowitz' new show, 'Queen of Swords'."

[Snipped for copyright reasons.]

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Date: Mon Apr 17, 2000 7:54pm
From: Sinden Medley <rynx@#####>
Subject: Con report - part 1

Okie dokie - here I go. Don't know if this is going to be in order cause I can't actually remember the what actually happened first in some cases. I guess as long as I get it all in, it should be okay.

Where to start.... hmmm....

Guess the best place to start would be with Peter's video.

In case some of you didn't know, Peter was supposed to be coming out for the con but had to cancel because he was working. So being the wonderful man that he is, he sent us a video to say how sorry he was that they couldn't make it.

Okay going to paraphrase what he said here - hopefully the general idea is here, as I'm trying doing this from memory.

"Hey, all you there Down Under. This is all us here Up Over. That's Edan in the background [Edan was crying at this point]. We're really sorry we can't be there as this is such a huge year for Australia ... starting the Millenium, though we know it didn't start until Greenwich and the Olympics as well. We had such a great time when we were down for HLDU1 [At this point Carmel yells out, "It was 2, Peter!" -grin-] and we're gutted we can't be there this time. But, we're glad that Lizzie was able to step into the breach... [at this point Edan started crying louder] and he's especially glad. [Can't remember the bit in here, but he ended off with...] and I guess I will see you all for HLDU4."

That was kewl, we were all pretty touched that he had made the effort to do something like this just for us - hell I think we would have been happy with just that.

But that wasn't all there was on the tape. Just as we all start chatting about it, he comes on again holding Edan. He looked tired, but really happy in the first bit of tape, but the moment he was holding Edan, he glowed. This is a man who *really* loves his son. In fact, I think for most of the first part of this, it was Peter talking to Edan and not to us at all. =)

[To start off with Peter was holding Edan facing him.] "And now for the first international appearance of Edan Stewart Wingfield. Wheeeeeee!" [At this point he turned Edan around to the camera - and yes that wheee is something he said.] He started singing Waltzing Matilda and then Edan moved and Peter added, "Look a little wave." [Can I just add that the look on Edan's face was very much of the, "Dad, what the hell are you doing?" variety =)] Then it was mainly just Peter getting Edan to wave at the camera before that piece ended.

The final little snippet of video we got was of just Peter.

"I have been racking my brain trying to think of something for you to auction down there, and I couldn't think of anything. So I thought I would give you the shirt off my back. [Yes, he actually did it and the shirt went for $5000 in the auction. So he starts unbuttoning his shirt (and can I just add - hmmm... shoulders -THUD-), the camera pans in to shoulders and up and the look on his face is a classic as he mutters, "The things I do for you." Then the camera pans back and he's standing there with the shirt in front of him like a shield.

Was very cute, and after seeing that video (and Sonia and Talisa will probably say the same thing), if you didn't love Peter beforehand, you certainly did afterwards. The guy is *so* charming and he's such a proud dad, was very, very sweet. Hopefully I will have some photos that are visible when I get the rolls back tomorrow.

Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 19:28:37 +1000
From: "Sinden Medley" <rynx@#####>
Subject: Con Report - part 2

So where was I? Oh yes, the daily rushes - can we say oh my? It is really interesting to see the different ways in which familiar scenes were done differently and the things they actually take out of them for the final version.

Okay, the majority of the footage we got to see over the weekend was from Methuselah's Gift and CaH/Rev 6:8.

The MG stuff:
- They actually cut a section out of the scene where Amanda and Methos are breaking into Watcher HQ to get the crystals. Amanda asks Methos for more information on when he rode with Butch and Sundance and his response is something along the lines of, "Well I didn't actually ride ... I cooked for them."

- They also had a slight problem with the cat in that scene, because after the first take the cat liked Peter and wouldn't run along the top of the sideboard knocking things off. So at one point when they're trying to shoot this you see Peter's hand come in from the side and poke the cat to try and get it moving.

- The fact that Peter coos to the cat when he picks it up is pretty funny too (he also does it to his horse in some of the Rev dailys as well). But the best bit from that was the shot of him stalking the cat and the line, "Come to Methos."

Oh my - if there was any doubt about there being something a little more to the brotherhood between Kronos and Methos, these outtakes blow it to high heaven. We were lucky enough to see the scenes they cut from it completely (ie bad wigs, skirts and Methos poisoning Kronos and dumping him in a well). Very interesting! =) But anyway, these ones had to be the slashiest things I have ever seen. Hmmm, where to start....

- okay, the "Swear you will kill MacLeod" scene. In one of the takes, they go through all the lines, make the blood oath and then Peter says, "That feels *so* good." In a con where at least 1/4 of the people there were slashers, well you can guess where our minds went and stayed for the rest of the weekend.

- They also chopped a section of the "Left my heart in SF" scene as well. I can actually see why for two very different reasons. What happens is that Kronos walks in with the chain, does the "You've gone soft" bit, and then kneels and presses into the wound and Methos writhes from the pain. This bit was hysterically funny in that Peter looked like he was doing a dying cockroach impersonation - legs up in the air. But the really hysterical moment during this bit, is when, with his usual malicious glee, Kronos states, "Come on! There was a time you used to bounce right back up again asking for more!" That sent us all off and Val only added to the laughter with his wry, "Now there's a line I really wish I hadn't said." =)

- Val forgetting his line in the confrontation speech with Mac in Rev [I'll just add here that Val's comment was that when you forget your line, you say the first thing that comes into your head], so instead of it being the whole, "Lay down your sword, she lives. Fight, and win or lose, she dies. It's your call." It turned into "Lay down your sword, she lives. Fight, and win or lose, she dies. It's your shout." =)

- The finally scene from Rev will never be the same for me because of one outtake. They are walking their different directions and you can hear Adrian telling Peter to walk faster and then about 10-20 seconds later, Peter pipes up with, "I've just stepped in a huge pile of shit!"

- After Val mentioned that he and Peter are inveterant gigglers when they do something wrong, it was really interesting to see the professionalism they can uphold in a crisis. In the "I'm not like that anymore. I've changed" scene, the shot was on Peter, he was going through his lines and there is the huge crash in the background when Val accidently knocked the sword off the table. Peter just keep going through it - was incredible to see.

- One of the other comments Val made was that they really had a problem deciding how they were going to do the four-way Horsemen handshaky thing. Was it going to be palm up? Palm down? As he said, "Just call us the four indecisives of the Apocalpse."

- We got to see the outtakes for the "Greetings, brother" scene as well. We already know that Peter does death well, but he was really getting into his death gurgles in that one. Each one kept getting more and more dramatic. Almost makes you wonder if he was trying to make Val laugh. =)

- We *finally* got to see the different takes of the Jimmy scene and the coat throwing competition =). All I can say is that Peter cries really well.

- Oh, almost forgot. Peter has a tendency to talk to himself to get into character before a scene. In one of the greek shots that was cut, they caught a bit of it. A line that will go down in infamy methinks - "I'm so fucking sick of this Kronos man!"

And just as a last note - we got to the see Elizabeth's documentary. -snicker- You get to see Peter in drag, and all I can say that if it wasn't for the nose, he would look exactlylike Tootsie the way they made him up! =)

Sin =)

- - -

Date: 04/18/2000 5:46:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: tunnack@##### (tunnack)
Subj: Feedback from HLDU Con

Hi everyone

The following was written yesterday:

Well I've just walked in the door from the airport having had the pleasure yesterday of introducing Elizabeth to the glorious sights of Sydney on her way back to LA....its magnificent Art Gallery, a wander through the Botanic Gardens in Autumn which were a sight to behold (including hundreds of fruit bats hanging upside down in trees) and drinks on the foreshore of Sydney Harbour between the Opera House and the Bridge. Sydney really turned it on - the weather couldn't have been more perfect and I know that Elizabeth is taking away very warm memories of our Con, of everyone *at* the Con and of Australia. So I guess it doesn't get any better than that.

Val mentioned to Sonja that he and his Father were so impressed with Brisbane that they are anxious to return .....and we all know that in between raucous renditions of Australian folk songs Anthony made it quite clear that he had fallen in love with the place. And last I heard Maureen had cornered the market on every chocolate shop in Brisbane!

Sonja and I want to once again thank every one who helped make these last few days something very very special - and that includes all of you here who sent so many good wishes and all who have helped with our fundraising. I know that we're all still on a high and so we should be :-))) Everyone was so wonderful....everything arrived that was supposed to arrive in the way of videos (mind you we're on first name terms with every FedEx agent between the US and Australia!) and we seem to have succeeded in showcasing this incredible Country to all of our overseas visitors.

And yes - we did have a number of firsts. Peter did indeed send us a home video of himself wishing us all the best and apologising for not being able to be with us...and he then brought baby Eden on for his first ever screen test which he passed with flying colors. He is *gorgeous*. And yes - his Father did indeed give us the shirt off his back to help with our fund-raising...unbuttoned it there on the screen muttering all the time about the "...things I do for you..." accompanied by much eye rolling and he then packed the shirt up with the video tape and sent it down to us after telling us he'd see us all at HLDU4...

We were able to obtain the 'HL:EndGame' trailer from Miramax and what a way to start and finish the Con *that* was!

As if all that weren't an embarrassment of riches enough we also premiered Elizabeth's documentary on transvestites in Arkansas called 'The Damn Deal' which does indeed have Peter Wingfield playing a role of a female German (?) psychiatrist. Elizabeth bought 40 copies with her, all individually autographed and all kissed by her which left a gorgeous red imprint on the front label. We will be auctioning two of these plus the Premiere copy. I also pointed out to Elizabeth that we now have sufficient DNA to clone her ;-))

We had a bar-b q by the river bank with Elizabeth and Anthony, readings from Dickens from Valentine, incredible dailies from Maureen including the famous 'lost' scene from Ancient Greece of Methos and Kronos' split..lots of footage and audio of Adrian being a bossy boots Director, poetry readings and songs from Anthony...it really was the most wonderful of times. Best of all it was very relaxed, warm and ultra-friendly. Just like we like our Cons to be...guests of honor could wander about freely, mingling with fans...... and we finished with an enormous birthday cake for Elizabeth and a raucous rendition of Happy Birthday. The EndGame trailer started and finished the Con to remind us all that there will be a lot more excuses coming for many more Highlander gatherings....

Four lucky people got to have a very relaxed private dinner with Elizabeth by the Brisbane river and we're still trying to get the stars out of their eyes...

Now I know that Sonja still has a house full of people and I'm hoping to see a horde descend this weekend on me here in Canberra.

HLDU4?? Well Sonja *was* heard to say: "See you next time!" at the closing ceremony!! And...that makes my job a lot easier...Sonja never ever goes back on a promise :-)) Remember though that these are two-yearly events (the fundraising is a big job)...but that of course doesn't preclude *other* HLDU events from taking place....

Boo Hoo...I've just realised that I need to change my signature line....I can't believe that the Con has been and gone....I noticed Paul Edmonds' pen smoking all weekend so we'll hopefully have some great Con reports as soon as he is over his jet lag.....


And this part is 24 hours later - I think that I'm even more ga-ga than yesterday, particularly as I had to go to work yesterday! Anyway, I've been inundated with requests from people wanting to buy any remaining copies of Elizabeth's documentary: "I hope I get the opportunity to buy a copy, too! Elizabeth deserves the money for this effort and our support during this time of her career and her life. ..."

Good news! I spoke with Elizabeth before she left Sydney yesterday and told her of the interest in her Documentary, 'The Done Deal'. So Elizabeth has agreed to put her remaining copies (9) up for Auction and we will also be putting up the 2 Elizabeth donated to HLDU.

We also have the Premiere copy itself to auction. I will mount the web site tonight once real life stops interfering :-))

Kind regards
Carmel Macpherson

- - -

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 00:35:34 -0000
From: "Jean McArthur" <mcarthur@#####>
Subject: News from HLDU

Hiya all,

Well, I'm home from HLDU3 and I must say I had a ball. It was my first Con. We saw the trailer from End Game - lots of spectacular stuff is gonna be happening. :)

Yes, we were all disappointed PW wasn't there but there was a video Hello from the lad. And he introduced Edan on the tape!!

We got the shirt off his back - literally and it was sold for $5000!!

He also made an uncredited appearance in Elizabeth Gracen's documentary called The Damned Deal. Verrry interesting new Sim on the block. Some say Tootsie - I prefer Pepperpot Pete.

Any more info - see me offline!!


Jean The Eternally Upbeat

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- Queen of Swords Article. http://www.cinescape.com/television/

The title sure sounds like a Xena: Warrior Princess riff, but word has it that producer Ira Bernstein has announced that he will produce a new syndicated series called Queen of Swords.

The Buzz:
According to the Toronto Sun, Cuban actress Tessie Santiago will take the potential series’ title role. The paper reports that the series is likely to be shot, in part, on location in Spain.

Tessie Santiago

Ira Bernstein / Producer
? / Screenwriters
? / Distributor

In development

Release Date:

News and Rumors:
January 28, 2000
More details of Ira Bernstein’s Queen of Swords series are coming to light. Cinescape’s Keith Herber snagged more info on the series from NATPE 2000. Produced in Spain, Queen of Swords takes place in Spanish California in 1817. Much like Zorro, the Queen of Swords is a masked protector and righter of wrongs who uses whip and sword to punish her enemies. Unlike Zorro, however, Queen has distinct mystical elements. In her normal identity of Tessa Alvarado, a young woman of wealth, she is advised by Marta, her governess, a middle-aged woman of gypsy blood who uses the Tarot to guide and advise her young charge.Tessa also receives messages via her dreams, sometimes conveyed to her by the spirit of her dead father.

January 27, 2000
Queen of Swords, the Xena-like syndicated action series has been picked up in a number of American TV markets. Word from NAPTE 2000 is that 55% of the country has picked up the new program so far. Major markets that have signed on include New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Minneapolis. QoS stars Cuban actress Tessie Santiago. Ira Bernstein (Relic Hunter) is the series producer.

January 11, 2000
A few more details of the upcoming action series Queen of Swords have turned up. According to the Toronto Sun, Cuban actress Tessie Santiago will take the potential series’ title role. The paper reports that the series is likely to be shot, in part, on location in Spain.

January 3, 2000
The title sure sounds like a Xena: Warrior Princess riff, but word has it that producer Ira Bernstein has announced that he will produce a new syndicated series called Queen of Swords. According to Eon Magazine, while participating in a Canadian TV convention, the producer revealed that he will showing a proposal for the series to TV stations with hopes of launching the series for Fall 2000. Beyond that, there are, as yet, no details regarding the specifics of the series' premise. Bernstein also produces the Tia Carrere starring Relic Hunter TV series.

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Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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