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December, 2002

Posted 12/1/2002 [New poll for MacMINT_Asylum]

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the MacMINT_Asylum group:

I am considering stopping membership when the MacMINT Ward gets to 200 and discontinuing the newsletter. Please let me know what you think:

o Stop membership at 200, but don't stop the newsletter.
o Stop membership at 200, and stop the newsletter.
o Don't stop the membship at 200, but stop the newsletter.
o Stop the membership at 200, and stop the newsletter.
o Don't care either way.

To vote, please visit the following web page:


Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups web site listed above. Thanks!

Posted 12/1/2002 [December Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum December Newsletter, 2002.
In this month's issue:

* Birthdays for December
* Bliss on Oxygen
* New Poll Concerning Membership and the Newsletter

* * *

- Birthdays for December.

12.02 - Bj McKay (PC#62)
12.04 - Kassain (PC#145)
12.08 - Red Hunter (AINT PC#2)
12.13 - Rebecca Isais (PC#107)
12.13 - luisa contreras (PC#176)
12.16 - Timber (PC#115)
12.17 - bkwrm (PC#23)
12.18 - Robin Hinsdale (PC#130)
12.20 - The Ignorant Savage (PC#140)
12.22 - Caitlin (PC#125)
12.25 - Shadowlight (PC#152)
12.27 - Prim (PC#180)
12.28 - Sailor Mars (PC#83)
12.29 - Campbell (PC#6)
12.31 - Johanna aka Lady Nightmare (PC#37)

Happy birthday to all patients with December birthdays! If your birthday is in December and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

- Bliss on Oxygen.

Peter's episode of Bliss (Guys & Dolls) will be replaying this month on the Oxygen station. If you have this channel, don't miss out!

Monday, December 9, 2002 at 1:00 AM EST

Laura (Jenny Levine), a respected lawyer accustomed to being in the public eye, finds herself burdened by the expectations and responsibilities of her internationally recognized law firm. As she hits her early 30s, she is saddened by how her entire identity is tied to her career. Through a strange sequence of events, Laura finds herself alone in a bar, where she meets George (Peter Wingfield), who later invites her to his hotel room. To her surprise, she begins to develop an exciting relationship with him. The fact that he has no idea who she is charges and liberates her in a way she could never imagine. Once he discovers her identity, however, the well-being she has enjoyed is seriously threatened. (TV-MA)

* * *

- New Poll Concerning Membership and the Newsletter.

I am considering stopping membership when the MacMINT Ward gets to 200 and discontinuing the newsletter. Please let me know what you think by voting in the poll at http://groups.yahoo.com/ group/MacMINT_Asylum/surveys?id=1009098

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

Posted 12/1/2002 [The Poll]

I'm really sorry to be filling your inboxes. I made a booboo with the poll and erased the first six votes when I went to edit a minor spelling error I'd made. If you already voted, can you please do it again? The URL is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MacMINT_Asylum/surveys?id=1009098

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for voting!

jam-wired, Asylum Owner

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