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Highlander Pictures
October, 2002

Posted 10/1/2002 [October Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum October Newsletter, 2002.
In this month's issue:

* Birthdays for October
* New Highlander Movie Planned
* Peter in "Just Cause"

* * *

- Birthdays for October.

10.01 - Accolade (PC#75)
10.03 - TBstreet (PC#6, AINT)
10.06 - Sarah W. (PC#119)
10.06 - Flore (PC#137)
10.06 - Lone Writer (PC#5, AINT)
10.07 - petshark (PC#14)
10.10 - Watcher too (PC#24)
10.21 - Caroline (PC#103)
10.21 - Caffre (PC#169)
10.23 - Ardienne of the Sidhe (PC#104)
10.25 - Kadira (PC#102)
10.25 - angel eye (PC#114)
10.25 - Kat in the Hat (PC#3, AINT)
10.25 - Dennis Lashbrook (PC#9, AINT)
10.28 - Nickster (PC#4, AINT)

Happy birthday to all patients with October birthdays! If your birthday is in October and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

- New Highlander Movie Planned.

Posted on the Highlander Official Site board:

Greetings Highlander Fans.

On the second anniversary of the release of "Endgame" we wanted to take a few moments to share with you, the ever-faithful fans, what is on the horizon in the Highlander universe.

First, we are excited to announce that the rumors are true. The story continues as the fifth motion picture is slated to begin filming early in 2003. We don't want to reveal too much but we think that "The Source" is destined to be a truly exceptional Highlander film.

Due to the unprecedented success of the DVD version of the first season of the Highlander series, we are planning to follow-up with two more DVD releases. The first is the long-awaited Best of Highlander DVD collection. And soon after, all 22 action-packed episodes of the second season of Highlander the Series will be available on DVD.

Our new "72 Hour Sales" have been such a success that we have made it our number one priority to bring you the most exciting deals on the most interesting merchandise you have ever seen. Over the coming months, you will have the chance to get all those Highlander goodies you've been coveting at a price you just won't be able to pass up. (And remember, it's never too early to start thinking about Christmas gifts!!!)

And coming very soon. get your very own "FREE" Highlander email account. How would you like the rest of cyberspace to know you as MacLeod@highlander.tv? You're about to get your chance. More details on this exciting new feature will be released in the very near future so stay tuned and keep visiting Highlander: The Official Site - THE place on the web for all that is Highlander.

Take care and thanks for your continued support.

Peter Davis and Bill Panzer

* * *

- Peter in "Just Cause."

Peter appeared in the first episode of the U.S. Pax Network series "Just Cause" Sunday, the 29th. If you missed it, you can catch it again on Tuesday, the 1st, at 8 p.m. The episode is called "Above the Law." This summary is "Alex (Lisa Lackey) tells Whitney she believes that one of San Francisco's most decorated detectives (Peter Wingfield) murdered her friend, an ex-con."

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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