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The MacMINT Asylum

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Highlander Pictures
January, 1999

Posted 1/1/1999 [Birthdays for January]

Patient birthdays for January are:

1-4: Brena Rosal (PC# 56)
1-5: Nutmeg (PC# 5)
1-7: Dawn (PC# 27)
1-15: Black Widow (PC# 39)
1-21: Sardonic Warrioress (PC# 49)
1-23: Lothar (PC# 1 - AINT)
1-27: jam-wired (PC# 1)

If you have a birthday this month and I missed you, please email me and I'll update this list. :)

Posted 1/4/1999 [First Place Winner]

Cassie's been found! That's right! Old Soul found Cassandra first! Unfortunately, she slipped away right when Old Soul had her by the toe and she still hasn't been reinstituted to the basement. Congratulations, Old Soul! I'll be mailing you personally with details on your winnings. :)

Posted 1/6/1999 [Hint #2]

Clues for graphic: ANIMATED BALL, BINGO

Your Second Hint: She's hiding out at another clan.

If you find Cassandra, please mail me at jamwired@aol.com with the following information:

Title your subject:
Asylum Contest Your name/handle:
Your email address: (please use the ones that are in your cell)
Your cell number:
The URL of the page you found the graphic on:
The name of the page you found the graphic on: (Both URL and name of page are requested so that if you copy one wrong, I can verify it with the other)

Posted 1/9/1999 [Asylum Contest]

Zzickle found Cassie! Congratulations! There are still three iron-ons left, so keep looking! :)

Posted 1/13/1999 [Asylum Contest]

Clues for graphic: ANIMATED BALL, BINGO

Your Third Hint: I'm a member of the clan she's hiding at. The clan's name is an acronym.

If you find Cassandra, please mail me at jamwired@aol.com with the following information:

Title your subject:
Asylum Contest Your name/handle:
Your email address: (please use the ones that are in your cell)
Your cell number:
The URL of the page you found the graphic on:
The name of the page you found the graphic on: (Both URL and name of page are requested so that if you copy one wrong, I can verify it with the other)

Posted 1/13/1999 [Winner #3!]

*ßláçkWîdøw* found Cassie! Congratulations, *ßláçkWîdøw*! There are still two more iron-ons left, so hurry, hurry, hurry! *ßláçkWîdøw*, you'll be recieving a personal email from me with the details of your prize. :)

Posted 1/13/1999 [Winner #4!]

Andrea L. found Cassandra! You know what this means, there's only one iron-on left! Congratulations, Andrea!

Posted 1/13/1999 [The graphic has been found!]

The Cassandra graphic has been found! Please, stop looking! Congratulations, everyone. If I haven't mailed you concerning your iron-on, I'll be doing that now! :) Just so you know, the graphic was at the BBGL updates page! Good job everyone.

Posted 1/28/1999 [We've got a Webring]

The MacMINT Asylum now has a Webring for patients with web sites. If you have a web site and are interested in joining the Asylum Webring, you can apply at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/1335/mintring.html Your site does not have to be Highlander related to join. You are automatically elligable because you are a patient at the Asylum. :)

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