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November 29, 02: The FVLA basketball team made its much anticipated 2002 school year debut in Fulton, Illinois as a participant in a tournament at the Christian Unity High School Tournament in Fulton, Illinois. The team finished in fourth place. There were a total of four teams in the tournament.

Coach Wright and Assistant Coach Bill Crane led eight all-stars from Valley into the battle: 5’9” Char Madsen, 5’10” Brian Bernau, 5’11’ Anthony Dubose, 6’ Taylor Larson, 6’2” Chris Jones, 6’2” Kurt Woock, 6’3” Carl Jacobs, and 6’3” Matt Ranieri. Parents Linda Ranieri and Tom Jones, this writer, provided chaperone duties for the team.

The adventure began on Monday afternoon, November 25, when the school van (driven by Bill Crane) took off like a bat out of hell with Ms. Ranieri in hot pursuit. After a cheeseburger stop at the Elgin west side McDonalds the convoy of two proceeded to their rendezvous with destiny at the Illinois-Iowa border.

As they neared Route 47 the parents who were trailing the van in Ms. Ranieri’s car were shocked to see litter being thrown out the rear window of the van. When a red FVLA shirt was dangled outside the window like Michael Jackson holding his son, enough was enough. “What are they doing!” said Ms. Ranieri as she used her cell phone to call Coach Wright. The red shirt slipped back in the van and the window closed.

We arrived in Fulton, Illinois under cover of darkness, and FVLA changed into their new traveling red road uniforms which looked nifty. In a moment of insanity I had offered to help keep statistics: shots attempted, shots made, rebounds, steals, etc. Big mistake- what was supposed to be fun was now work. The teams do not stop to let you compile stats. They continue to race up and down the court full throttle; shot attempted, missed, ball stolen, another shot, made! The only breaks you get are on free throws and time outs.

FVLA was competitive in the first game, a nip-and-tuck affair, and actually led in the fourth quarter. It must have been a surprising situation because the team got tentative with their shots as no one wanted to shoot and miss late in the game. Matt Ranieri, Brian Bernau, and Kurt Woock provided scoring punch while Taylor Larson played good defense and Chris Jones rebounded like a Dennis Rodman clone. Alas, it was not enough. Our heroes lost their opening match 61-54.

Pizza hut was our next destination. The team had worked up an appetite and polished off several pizzas under the watchful eyes of the adults who sat at the next table. Bill Crane and Ms. Ranieri were teased unmercifully. Room assignments were arranged, and the group drove to the Best Western Motel in Clinton, Iowa but not before the team had set off the car alarm to the van after leaving the restaurant. Everyone settled into their rooms. The team relaxed at the indoor pool until it closed.

Coach Wright retired early as he had some back pain due to his full time employment. He had been pleased with the effort of the team as his goal for the team was to “be competitive.”

Several of the boys wanted to view an adult pornographic film on the in house video but this was vetoed by the chaperones. A majority agreed to see the Road to Perdition staring Tom Hanks. The movie began shortly after midnight and was played at maximum volume. Carl Jacobs, who argued passionately to see the movie, fell asleep shortly after it began. Chris Jones, woke him up. Kurt Woock watched half of the movie and then retired to his room. Taylor Larson, originally assigned to be in the coach’s room, camped out in a chair and ended up sleeping on the floor.

Next morning the boys attempted some hijinks. They stole Bill Crane’s bag from his room and hid it. They did fess up during the morning breakfast buffet. After eating, it was back to the pool. The boys played “football” in the pool with Carl Jacobs sitting poolside and hurling a plastic ashtray into the water. Several ashtrays were broken when the “football-ash trays” were errantly thrown back to Carl who acted as quarterback for both teams. Bill Crane couldn’t resist the fun and joined in the game.

Coach Wright and Bill Crane worked out on the treadmill near the pool area. Ms. Ranieri laundered the team uniforms. Char and Kurt worked on their school assignments with Kurt complaining about being assigned over 200 problems. Taylor slept by the pool. Carl and watched the drama. Bill Crane filled the water bottles, obtained towels, and talked about his son Christopher “and everything.” Coach Wright diagrammed a play on the erasable board while the boys looked on.

After lunch at the Chinese buffet it was back to the motel. Four rented rooms were reduced to two rooms per prior arrangement with hotel staff. The rooms which usually cost $75 a night were supposed to be obtained by FVLA at $65 dollars a night. FVLA was charged the full amount, and Ms. Ranieri was going to look into this.

After more milling around the pool it was time to get down to business. The van was loaded up and it was back across the river to Fulton for the final game. Brian had lost his undershirt but found it in the van.

The game was competitive for the first half and FVLA only trailed by three points at the half. The second half started out with the opponents scoring six quick points and the rout was on.

Coach Wright exhorted his young charges on. “Rest on offense, not on defense!” he screamed. The coach utilized more stick in his approach. To Carl he yelled, “What are you doing? Filming a movie?” To Matt he yelled, “Matt! Matt!” To Chris he yelled, “That’s not how to set a pick!” Coach emptied his bench and everybody got playing time. FVLA did score 49 points in the losing effort.

Oh and two to start the season. It can only get better.