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Greys: Small race with bluish-grey skin; considered to be part of the worker or technical class; classic black eyes which wrap-around the side of the head; species most often encountered.

Nordic: Also referred to as Blondes or Talls; human-like appearance; athletic build; usually very tall,with blonde hair and well-defined features.

Hybrid: Child-like in appearance; very fine hair; slightly larger than normal human head. Reptilian: Snake-like lizard appearance; larger than normal mouths three toes instead of five.

Ancient: Insect (''preying mantis'') type appearance; extremely thin build; very large eyes.

Neonate: Similar to the beings featured in the movie ''Close Encounters of the Third Kind''; fetus-like in appearance; very high level of intelligence.

Blues: Very dark BluE in appearance; often seen with the Grays, but stay in the shadows; big black eyes and well defined features; it has been thought  that they are observers of the mission.