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Sadness in America

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I would like to send out my deepest condolences for the families of those who have lost loved ones in the recent American Terrorist attacks (September 11'th 2001.) I personally have some friends that have been injured in the attacks and I know what your going through. One of my friends (Krysty Rego) wrote this poem about the accident. I hope it helps bring a little comfort to those who have lost friends and family.  


Why Must We Shed These Tears

As OUR People Have Huge Fears?

Why Must We Let A Man Live

For All He Has Done?

Why Must Our Leader Lead Us To The Way

As We Cheer Horaay!

Why Must We Look Back At This Treacherous Event?

As If It Was Our Fault?

We Didn't Cause This!


Sadness in America

 To those who have lost loved ones
I know my words cannot bring them back
and I am sorry.
I know my tears cannot
extinguish your grief
and I am sorry
What I do hope to bring
to you is a peace of mind
I do not know
Never again will your parents
walk through that door
no longer will their lips kiss
you goodnight
Little one I know you will
miss the chance for your
dad to walk you down the isle.
Little one I know you'll miss your mothers laughter
that made you smile.
I wish what I say to
you were not true.
I wish I could say we
do not have such an evil
that would take 1,000s of lives.
I wish I could say
humanity has grown, that
we love each other no matter
what but I can't.
I wish I could say to
you ma'am that your son
is coming home but I cannot.
I wish I could say to
you sir that your precious
daughter will comfort you
but I cannot.
But I say what I can offer
is for us to fight together
to end such madness. Let
us bring to justice today
the cowards that have taken
away countless mothers, sons,
daughters, fathers, husbands, and wives.
Let us show the world
they can never kill the
humanity we live for.
Let those who have brought
us such sadness know they
cannot break our spirits.
Let them know we will
not rest until they all
are brought to justice.

To the cowards
Look, You have tried to break a nation, but you have failed.
You have made us stronger.
You have defiled this nation and filled the streets with blood.
But we will have, you know our tears will watch it away.
No one will hide you, coward! NO ONE!!
May your cowardly act bring shame to your name.
When you are caught.
You will have not 1 but 2 trials.
After our legal courts.
There will be one in our moral courts.
Coward, I will make you look into the eyes of children whom you have made orphans and you will tell them why.
They must know why their mom and dad will never take them to school.
Coward I will make you look into the eyes of men & women you have made widows and widowers.
They must know why their vow till death do us part came so soon.
Coward there are those who lost not a family member.  But something even greater...SECURITY...we have an enemy amongst us.
How do we get through the sleepless nights?
Those of us 1000s of miles away. We are scared to board flights.
For many of us you have taken away innocence.
For some it will take years to get back and for many we will never get it back.

How dare I enjoy life where so many more will never see another day?
Is it fair for me to live another day?

In my lifetime I have seen so much.

For Those who I can't  touch take my words and let them heal your soul.

~Krysty Rego~