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Hell's Disco

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This occurred as a flashback while staying in Malmo, southern Sweden in early June `91. I had my first conscious encounter with the greys six months earlier in January and since then would experience terrifying flashbacks up to five times a week and four times a night. I had no name to give them and didn’t have a clue what was going on. I had come to Europe nine months previously intent on having nothing more than a hedonistic good time, I never expected anything like this to happen, I thought I was going mad.

I found myself sitting in some sort of chair in complete darkness but I was too scared to notice much about it or area around me, my gaze was focused on the display directly in front of me.

It consisted of differently colored luminescent triangular outlines, isosceles triangles that moved as if mounted by their short side on a curved conveyor belt that rose up in an arc towards me with it’s end terminating just before my seat. They would move, one at a time in rapid succession straight towards me then snap down so I seemed to pass through the outlines’ center before it disappeared. Just as one was disappearing another would race towards me and in the short time the memory lasted it happened many times.

Their colors varied: blue, yellow, pink, violet and all had a luminous neon quality about them. They stood out sharply against the darkness and behind them spewed forth some sort of vapor illuminated by sheets of flickering luminous light shooting upwards into the darkness, randomly changing color and sometimes breaking into beams which would flash towards me and into my eyes. I didn’t notice any synchronization between the triangles and the sheets of light, it all seemed random, I was too terrified to notice anyway.

If I had witnessed this scene in a different setting it would have made a somewhat pretty but unimaginative light show but like all the other memories I’ve had and continue to have concerning them it was a cold and ugly experience. But this experience had a quality about it that set it apart from the others in it’s own unique way and made it even uglier, it was accompanied by ‘music’.

Imagine, if you can, the most soulless, mechanical dance music that can be generated from a machine then mix it randomly with at least five other equally dismal tracks and play it at full volume. That will give you an idea of what it was like, I had never heard anything like it, even after listening to the hours of techno music that was the music of taste for many of my European colleagues.

It was utterly devoid of feeling and played so loud that I could feel the sound waves pulsing on my skin much like when you stand near a large speaker playing at volume. It’s bass beat was fast, aggressive and changed tempo regularly but never slowed. There was also a constant statacco, clattering beat in the background which though not as loud as the bass was equally offensive to the ear. The entire show was a vicious assault on the senses, it was like being in a really tacky disco or night-club, I call it Hell’s Disco.

My first impression of what they were showing me was an expression of their artistic abilities and that I was just an ignorant Earth heathen who couldn’t begin to appreciate such high art. Later, I saw something similar in advertising on TV and in the cinema. An organization's logo would appear on the screen, often with dozens of flashing images and accompanied by jarring, irritating music. The music, devoid of soul and emotion is meant to represent something dynamic, up to date and better than the rest. It’s ghastly, tasteless and overloads the senses in order to get it’s message across but according to some advertising companies it’s very effective. Now, with the benefit of hindsight I look at their spectacle as an example of grey advertising with the triangle being their corporate logo. I’ve had a triangle left under my left armpit after my first remembered encounter in January `91 and I saw huge triangular shape floating above me in the Alps plus a few other triangular shapes have popped up in my memories of them from time to time so it appears the symbol is important to them.

I believe that this was an advert for Greycorp Inc. An advert intended to remind recruits that they must always must remain part of their organization should they decide to waver. I look on the greys as being similar to large corporation just like any human institution. The employees of both must toe the corporate line and do whatever is required to further the company’s interests and are often given incentives to keep the them in nice little homogenous bunch. I was a potential member of  the grey organization and I’m grateful that I’ve gone in the other direction and I’ll do anything to keep it that way.

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