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Intrepid-class Refit


Light Cruiser / Explorer-Scout vessel

Unit Run

NCC - 81209 USS Dauntless; several others currently undergoing refit


2378 - present


Length : 343 m
Beam : 133 m
Height : 66 m
Decks : 15


710,000 tons




12 x Type XII Phaser arrays, total output 80,000 TeraWatts. 
4 x Burst Fire Torpedo Launchers + 50 + 400* Quantum torpedoes

*Theoretical payload. See "Combat Readiness" below. Also carries tricobolt ordinance: 16 warheads in storage.

Defence Systems

Regenerative Metaphasic Shield System, total capacity 2,300,000 TeraJoules
Standard Duranium/Tritanium Hull with 8 and 10 cm Ablative Reinforcements
Standard level Structural Integrity Field

Warp Speeds

(TNG Scale)

Normal Cruise : Warp Factor 8 
Maximum Cruise : Warp Factor 9.9
Maximum Rated : Warp Factor 9.99 for twelve hours

Strength Indices

(Galaxy class = 1,000)

Beam Firepower : 1,600
Torpedo Firepower : 1,600 
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 1,000 
Shield Strength : 850
Hull Armour : 900
Speed : 3,900
Combat Maneuverability : 7,500

Overall Strength Index


Diplomatic Capability

Grade 3 Reduced

Support Craft

2 Type 9 Personnel Shuttle:  (The Nathan Hale, The Christopher Cullen)
2 Type 11 Personnel Shuttle:  (The Luther, The Fitzgerald)

Expected Hull Life

100 years

Refit Cycle

Minor : 1 year 
Standard : 5 years 
Major : 20 years

Soon after the Dominion War calmed, the Federation began to shift craft production to exploratory craft. One such craft was the reliable Intrepid class. It was not much later when the onset of the Valkurak War sent the shipyards scrambling for more combat-ready vehicles. While construction went underway, the current active fleet was pulled from exploratory and diplomatic roles to fill combat-oriented missions. Intrepid class starships were reassigned to light patrol duties. Several such ships were patrolling the Vulcan sector at the time of the Valkurak invasion. While the Intrepids were able to respond quickly to the threat, not one of the five ships survived the precursory invasion fleet. Some officials regretted assigning the vessels to the area for their lack of competence in the field of combat; but others knew well that there was simply no way they could have known the Valkurak would have invaded. Nonetheless, officials in the Department of Security passed along a major refit order to Utopia Planetia to "beef up" their fleet compliment of Intrepids. Within a month, one fourth of the fleet's Intrepids had been recalled for the major refit which was normally due 20 years after their initial construction. The first completed refit was the USS Dauntless, commissioned in 2378, only seven years after her construction date.

Combat Readiness

Armaments and defenses installed on the original design incorporated a low-power shield system, light armor, Type-VIII phaser banks, and 4 meagerly supplied standard torpedo launchers. While this fared well in normal operations, the Intrepid was not well equipped to handle a rough fire-fight without first taking on massive amounts of damage.

Thus, most of the new configurations have simply resulted from better technology availability. Type-XII phaser arrays now line the saucer section and other areas. The torpedo bays themselves have not been expanded much - but they do incorporate the latest in on-demand weaponry. Using the technology behind industrial replicators, RAP (Rapid Armament Production) Units produce torpedoes as they are needed. (i.e., A torpedo is fired, and instantly, the RAP Unit produces another to fill its place.) In reality, the torpedo bays do not carry more than 40 torpedoes at any one time. It's "theoretical" full payload, however, is some 10 times as many. The setback to this system is timing - there is a 3-second lag between torpedo fire and re-production. The RAP system is currently still being tested and perfected, and the first system upgrade is due out within a month. The upgrade is rumored to have multiple type warhead production (photon, tricobalt, and quantum) plus a faster production time and more efficient resource usage, increasing the theoretical payload to 500 or even 600 torpedoes.

The shield system has been completely ripped and replaced with the latest in Shield technology: Regenerative Metaphasic shields capable of withstanding 300% more damage than the original system. Hull armor has been strengthened with 8 cm reinforcements over 80% of the hull. The other 20% (mainly the engineering hull) is protected by a 10 cm layer of Ablative armor. Despite these improvements, however, the Intrepid-refit is by no means meant to be a battleship. It's combat maneuverability is more apt to save them from damage than any amount of armor.

Breathing Room

In order to accommodate the refit, much of the ship had to be cleared to make way for refitted shield modules, a larger torpedo payload, and the other additions. This resulted in a reduction in shuttle craft capacity to only store only 4 craft, whilist the industrial replicators were improved to be capable of producing 8 more of any design. Diplomatic capability has also been harmed from the additions, a cost Starfleet was willing to pay. Normally, a Diplomatic Grade 3 ship has an 80 square meter conference room and two additional 40 square meter meeting rooms. These two additional meeting rooms have been removed.

Computerized Crew?

Systems automation in engineering and other key areas has reduced overall crew size from 150 to 130. The Emergency Medical Hologram that was once early fielded on Intrepid class has been further developed, and Long-term Holographic Personnel are available also for Engineering and Security in addition to Medical. Security Holograms can be duplicated several times over to guard specific areas through holo-emitters dispersed throughout the ship. Some of the newer programming associated with the Security Hologram is under development, but Starfleet technicians ensure that the "safest, most reliable programming" was used.

More Speed, More Power

The Warp core has been replaced by a slightly smaller but 130% more powerful design, and its warp drive now offers a maximum speed of 9.99 for twelve hours, compared to its previous "speed record" of Warp 9.975 for one hour. Also, dual micron M/AM auxiliary cores have been installed in a compartment aft of the primary core. They are designed to provide a more reliable auxiliary power supply in the case of main power loss. When engaged, the micron cores can provide partial main power and warp speed capability up to factor 4 (for one hour). In combat operations, the cores may be engaged to supply redundant power to the shields and/or weapon systems.

Additional ship data can be found in the "Deck Listings" area.

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