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Throughout the series there are mistakes and blunders which survived to be included in the aired episodes. Some of these are more obvious than others, however they were left in for a variety of reasons. Because of the tight budget some mistakes weren't important enough for the director to do a re-take. Others weren't noticed until the episode was being edited or reviewed and there wasn't enough time (or budget) to re-do the scene. And then there is the blunders that only we the viewer picks up on......


Episode No Title Blooper's
01- 02  The Way Back / Spacefall Blake changes flight chairs during take-off.
02  Spacefall The star screen in the window wobbles as Avon disappears into the hatch.

Zen does not have his transparent dome.

Blake is wearing a buckled seat belt when shown in the restraint harness (just before Raiker orders his release), it's gone when he stands up but he never unbuckled it.

The wall wobbles when Leylan removes the communicator to talk to Blake and again when he replaces it.

Liberator console wobbles when Jenna touches it.

03  Cygnus Alpha Vargas appears to materialise somewhere to the left of the teleport bay.

The whole end fight and teleport sequence defies timing and physical reality as Vargas teleports first but arrives simultaneously with Blake, Gan, and Vila.

The levers on the teleport console aren't used.

04 Time Squad Jenna's gun changes from being solid-rimmed to transparent-rimmed when she is in the hold.

Jenna's gun lights up three times as she walks down a corridor.

Her left pant leg rips at the knee in teleport fight with alien.

Her bracelet seems to disappear and reappear while she and Blake are in the capsule and then emerge into the hold. (It could be under her sleeve).

Jenna's holster dangles where it shouldn't as she kills the first alien.

The wrench hits her on the back, but the bruise is on her arm.

Jenna trips on the teleport console.

05 The Web Liberator console wobbles when the Federation ships are put on the main screen.

Blake's wound is just a smear of red when seen immediately after the spear is thrown, but has become a gaping gash when Gila treats it.

The outside of the habitat doesn't conform to the inside, or vice versa.

06 Seek-Locate-  Destroy Very bad editing on the swinging rope.
07  Mission to Destiny Avon jumps when Cally's chair scrapes the floor.

Blake reaches for the knob of the air vent and knocks it off the wall. You can hear the little rattle as it rolls across the floor, and Blake's eyes follow it; his expression flickers as he waits for a "Cut" to be called, and when this doesn't happen, he goes on with the scene.

When Blake is leaving Cally and Avon behind to go back to Liberator, a Avon hit's himself on the chin with his gun butt.

Avon's hand is a tad too high when he grabs Sara. (or was it :o) )

08 Duel As the Liberator moves to ram Travis' ship it wobbles.

Travis makes a slip here, He should say, "I knew the patrols would push him into this 'solar system'  not 'this galaxy.'

Gan contradicts himself: he sees Sinofar in the beginning but nods at the end when Blake says, "That's right, you never saw her."

09  Project Avalon A camera is caught in shot when Jenna leaves the flight deck.

The bullet holes in the walls don't really match the shooting sequence. And why is Jenna's gun leaving bullet holes anyway?

10  Breakdown Blake waits in the corridor to enter the computer room and find Avon just after Gan's attack. He's blocking a patch of light. 

Stepped on line: Blake almost comes in too early with his line "I'll join you in a minute."

Avon teleports to XK72 with only one bracelet. He sends Renor over to Liberator but then has a bracelet when talking to Ferrin later. Where did that one, or the one he gave Renor, come from?

The view of Liberator and XK72 wobbles each time it's used.

Liberator seen through Ferrin's window wobbles.

11  Bounty Blake's control necklace is undone during the scene where they are locked up. Gan's appears to be as well.

The Federation guard knocked unconscious outside Sarkoff's residence disappears as they drive away.

Cally hid the box, but Sarkoff is holding it when they teleport.

Blake is not wearing gloves when zapped in the teleport section, but is when Vila releases his hands.

Tyce is wearing a completely different outfit on the flight deck than the one she teleported in.

Jenna attacks the same Amagon guard twice (same actor).

12  Deliverance Vila's bracelet falls to the floor as the injured Ensor is lifted from the teleport bay.
13  Orac The flight log shows scenes Zen couldn't have seen on the planet surface.

Cally's bracelet changes wrists.

Travis seems to fire around a corner to kill the Phibian. His run to Servalan and their walk back to the barricaded section don't match up.

Aristo wobbles when Liberator is in orbit.

Vila can be glimpsed waiting for his cue to enter the teleport section.

Avon couldn't have hit Travis's hand from that angle.

14  Redemption Blake sprays the flight deck when he shouts "Vila!"

Avon apparently leaves his seat during the attack because he has to move back into it.

Blake starts to come in too soon on "Avon get the others down here."

Liberator and Spaceworld wobble on scenes of the ship entering and departing.

Now how did Orac take control of the Altas computer sustems...unless they pinched some Tarial cells from the federation.

15  Shadow Bek nearly comes in too early with his line, "With what you drank."

Cally doesn't carry a moon disc up when she teleports, so where did her pet come from?

16  Weapon As Blake enters, Cally is mouthing her last line, "Need all the weapons we can get."

Servalan starts too soon on "Not too obviously I hope."

Travis doesn't die when Servalan uses IMIPAK, even though he has been marked. but then each 'mark' would have it's own activation code (it would if I built the weapon)

Clone calls Coser by name then asks who he is.

Microphone hangs over the clone Blake's head at the end.

17  Horizon Jenna's bracelet changes wrists several times in succession.

The pursuit ship wobbles.

18  Pressure Point Gan's bracelet is on his left wrist when he teleports, but on his right wrist in the church.

As Blake and Co approach the church door, a sound man can be seen on the extreme left edge of the screen.

Servalan and Travis run toward the grenade instead of away from it.

19 Trial A BBC worker's toolbox is sitting under Jenna's console.

Avon is blocking Cally's view when she's trying to catch Blake in the teleport.

20 Killer Orac is flashing when it's not switched on, just before the information about K47 is given.

The London can be seen, about to dock, as the Liberator leaves Fosforon.

The salvager goes up as a rocket and comes down as the London, also goes up in daylight and comes down at night.

When does Avon grab the crystal? He and Tynus struggle for it, Tynus is electrocuted and the crystal isn't on the console as it was during the fight, but Avon doesn't get near the body. Yet he has the crystal in hand when they teleport.

21 Hostage Blake is not wearing his gun when he falls down the slope after being pushed by a crimo.

Liberator is repeatedly attacked and, viewed from the rear, the top right section of the drive melts.

The costume of the crimo that Ushton fights changes from having yellow trim to red trim as he attacks.

When Avon falls after being shot he throws his gun. Although he keeps his good arm holding the bad one, his gun manages to reconnect itself and get back in his hand.

More wobbly pursuit ships.

Cally can't get the bracelet open and has to slip it over her hand.

The fight ends in daylight and the crew teleport right after, yet the Liberator is still in orbit that night when Travis and Servalan meet.

22 Countdown Selson's uniform changes during the episode.

Grant teleports up with Vila's bracelet, but Vila later has a bracelet on.

Blake, Vila, and Avon teleport down in daylight, but the launch doors open onto a night sky.


Voice from the past   

Jenna's wearing the necklace she won't get until "The Keeper."

The Atlay shuttle wobbles.

The placket of the V on Blake's tunic is showing during the confrontation with Avon and Cally on the flight deck.

Travis teleports without a bracelet but it is there when he materialises.

Glynd calls Travis Trevor.

End--Blake's bracelet is hidden under his sleeve, then not, then is, then reappears to be snatched off.

24 Gambit Cally's bracelet changes wrists several times.

Jerriere's earring falls off as he talks to Servalan.

Chenie tries to help Docholli put his coat on. They bungle it so badly that he eventually gives up and just throws the coat over his shoulder.

25  The Keeper Blake's gun lights up when he is pointing it at Rod but there's not supposed to be a shot.

Jenna's bracelet moves from left to right wrists, then disappears before they are attacked and reappears moments later.

Jenna teleports in the dress she was given to replace her leather jumpsuit, but she's wearing the jumpsuit in "Star One." (If it is the SAME jumpsuit in Star One and not a duplicate from the Liberator).

26  Star One Blake's brown top (under his jacket) disappears when he teleports.

Six technicians are seen on the surface. As they run to the entrance there are only five. Then six are seen entering the base.

27  Aftermath There is a flash of red on a cliff above the beach when Avon fights the Sarran, which was a man in a red anorak.

Avon has one bracelet on, but comes up with another one to give to Dayna.

Dayna hits the first Sarran to attack Avon in the back, but she's standing to the right of where they're fighting.

Dayna teleports without a suitcase but later appears ("Children of Auron") in a jumpsuit she wore on Sarran.

28  Aftermath/ Orac Where did Avon stash Orac and why? They didn't know anyone else was onboard when they teleported.
29  Volcano Avon's gun doesn't light up when he shoots the second guard.

Obsidian wobbles on the screen.

Cally's bracelet falls off as she, Orac, Mori and a Federation guard are about to teleport.

Tarrant's neck chain disappears and reappears later.

When Tarrant and Dayna run down a slope, Tarrant's power cable is not plugged into his gun.

Cally cant count here, she telepaths to Avon that there are 3 troopers. There are 4.

Avon tilts the console when the ship is hit.

30  Dawn of the Gods Tarrant fails Astronomy 101, too. ("I'm surprised you've heard of it, if you're from another galaxy.")

Cally's gun doesn't light up when she fires at the end.

31  Harvest of Kairos On the soundtrack, Avon says "astute" but his lips are mouthing a different word.

Dayna's bracelet falls off as she teleports aboard and reappears in the next scene.

Servalan obstructs her guards when asking why they don't protect her from Jarvik.

Liberator is upside down on Servalan's screen. 

The Kairopan shuttle wobbles and so does the pursuit ship.

Camera dolly tracks are visible in the mud during Dayna and Jarvick's fight scene.

Just how did Tarrant get that antique LEM into orbit with the landing gear/base still attached?


The City at the Edge of the World

Dayna has no room to conceal her explosive device.

Kerril's gun lights up but it doesn't fire.

Vila says they were "out there in the sunshine" but the sky was dark and starry.

35  Sarcophagus Tarrant tilts the console when he falls against it.

Lots of boom-mike shadows in this episode.

Another upside down Liberator.

36 Ultraworld Vila makes anachronistic jokes about parking meters and the Invisible Man.

Dayna produces another bomb from thin air.

Yet another upside down Liberator.

37  Moloch Stock footage of the London/transport ship landing is at night, but Vila and friends are marching along moments later in daylight.

The henchman takes the mutoid's gun from her, yet she shoots at him with it before he kills her.

Vila's bracelet falls off and is back in the next shot during his fight with the Federation guard.

Upside down Liberator again.

38  Death Watch Deeta nearly bops Karla with the gun.
39  Terminal Avon produces a gun from thin air.

Another upside down Liberator.

Where does Avon stash his gloves after he removes them?

39  40  Terminal /Rescue The Planet Terminal Changes Shape and Color Completely. (form egg shape to round)

Vila teleports down in one costume but by the time of "Rescue," he's in an older costume.

40  Rescue Someone runs behind Vila as he rescues Tarrant. (a link, or film crew?)
41  Power Everyone Teleports without a bracelet.

Avon is knocked out by Gunn Sar and falls in the mud, making his costume filthy. When he is put in the cell his costume is clean.

42  Traitor Big yellow power cables are visible on SCORPIO's deck.

Tarrant and Dayna's clothes change when they teleport up.

Scorpio wobbles.

43  Stardrive Scorpio and pursuit ships wobble.
44  Animals Avon slips on the Floor as he enters the Laboratory.
45  Headhunter Muellers droid's costume is ruined after the explosion, but is Fine when it goes to the surface. Later it is ruined again.

When it (the Droid') tries to teleport Tarrant back down, the teleport control comes away in his hand.

Avon's gun is destroyed by the android but he has it again in later scenes.


46  Assassin Tarrant's costume buttons appear and disappear (3, then 4, then 3)

More Power Cables on the Deck.

47  Games Gerren holds his right shoulder all through the episode but he was shot in his left shoulder.

The Federation trooper killed by Vila is gone when Tarrant, Dayna and Gerren get there.

Orac appears to be in two places at once: on the flight deck of the SCORPIO with Dayna and being carried around by Avon and the rest of the landing party.

Servalan has 2 men with her in front of the Necron's temple cave, but 3 men go into it.

49 Gold The circle around Space Princess

Avon's foot sticks out when he and Soolin hide in the zVp corridor

50  Orbit Egrorian destroys a moon 17 light years away and we see it instantly. now hang on a minuet ...light travels at just over 186,000 miles per second, not instantly, this should take 17 years. 

When Avon is pushing the Perspex Block across the floor... He works hard all the way across the floor, and then lets it roll easily the last 6 inches into the airlock...

51  Warlord Servalan produces a bomb out of thin air. (now where on that curvy body of hers could she hide it mmmm..)
52 Blake Wires hang out of Orac as Avon teleports; but they are fixed when he lands.

All the troopers killed in the final shoot-out are not on the floor as Avon is surrounded.

A pillar shakes when Deva hits the wall next to it.