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#1           : Shield Generator

#2           : Escape Hatch

#3           : Communications/Sensor Array

#4           : Viewing Gallery

#5           : Operations Deck, Conference Room, Ready Room

#6           : Command Offices

#7           : Communications Station, Transporter Rooms 1-3

#8           : Recreation Deck, Replimat

#9           : Supply Rooms

#10         : Medical Station, Records Room & Access

#11         : Records Library

#12         : Command Quarters

#13         : VIP Quarters

#14-16    : Grand Hall, Banquet Room

#17         : Holographic Generation Matrix

#18-19    : Shield GeneratorNO ACCESS

#20         : Counselor's Office, Nursery

#21-29    : NO ACCESS

#30         : Main Science Rooms, Stellar Cartography, Generic Research Laboratories

#31         : Main Science Rooms, Stellar Cartography Access

#32         : Main Science Rooms, Stellar Cartography, Biological Studies

#33-49    : NO ACCESS

#50         : Primary Computer Core

#51-59    : Primary Computer Core, Transporter Rooms 4 & 5

#60         : Primary Computer Core, Tactical Facilities, Secure Holodeck

#61-90    : Primary Computer Core

#91-109  : Shield Generator NO ACCESS

#110-120: Senior Officers Quarters

#121       : Holodecks 1-5

#122-124: Holodecks 6-10

#125       : Officers Mess Hall

#125-127: NO ACCESS

#128-130: Command Shuttlebay

#145-149: Torpedo Launchers

#150-159: Junior Officers Quarters, Enlisted Officers Quarters

#160-185: Junior Officers Quarters, Crew Gymnasium, Enlisted Officers Quarters

#186-190: Phaser Banks, Enlisted Officers Quarters

#190-200: Deuterium Fuel Storage

#201-210: Deuterium Injection Reactors

#209-215: Torpedo Launchers

#216-219: Shield Generator NO ACCESS

#220-229: Central Reactor Core (Main Power), Deuterium Fuel Pumps and Fill Ports

#230-233: Central Reactor Core, Main Engineering, Central Core Access

#234-430: Central Reactor Core (Main Power) NO ACCESS

#431-449: NO ACCESS

#450-455: Life Support & Environmental Systems Control

#456-474: NO ACCESS

#475-179: Arboretum & Water Gardens

#480-489: Visitor Quarters

#490-494: Storage, Visitor Quarters

#495       : Promenade Level Three, Visitor Quarters, School, Educational Center, Library

#496-504: Promenade Level Two, Visitor Quarters, External Docking Ports 3, 4 & 5

#505       : Promenade Level One, Visitor Quarters

#504-510: Storage, Visitor Quarters

#511-520: Visitor Quarters

#521-544: Shield Generator NO ACCESS

#545       : Medical Facilities, Medical Office, Emergency Room, Treatment Rooms

#546       : Medical Facilities, Medical Supplies, Extended Ward

#547       : Medical Facilities, Local Quarters

#548       : Medical Facilities, Medical Operation Rooms, Main Ward

#549       : Medical Facilities, Secondary Ward

#550       : Medical Facilities, Secure Ward

#551-589: NO ACCESS

#590-598: Holding Cells

#599       : Main Security, Brig, Armory

#600       : Security Reports Office, Refreshments Room, Viewing Pier, Transporter Rooms 6-10

#601-609: Internal Dock, Shuttlebay, Secondary Bay Doors 1, 2 & 3

#610-670: Internal Dock, Primary Bay Doors 1 & 2

#671-680: Internal Dock, External Docking Ports 1 & 2

#681-684: Internal Dock, Approach Tractor Beams

#685-700: Internal Dock, Base Level

#701-703: Maintenance Rooms & Storage

#704       : Engineering Supplies

#705-739: NO ACCESS

#740-765: Auxiliary Core

#766-809: NO ACCESS

#810-815: Phaser Banks, Torpedo Launchers

#816-819: NO ACCESS

#820-900: Cargo Levels

#901-914: Shield Generator NO ACCESS

#915-919: Secondary Computer Core

#920-925: Secondary Computer Core, Phaser Banks, Torpedo Launchers

#926-950: Secondary Computer Core

#951-979: NO ACCESS

#980-999: Waste Matter Control

#1000     : Sensor Bundle, Secondary Communications Array

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