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Oscars on E-Bay!

No, they're not cheap replicas. No, they're not stolen. It seems the Academy of Motion Pictures has finally entered the cyber-age. After more than seventy years of selling awards under the table, the Academy has decided to make transactions easier via E-Bay.
"We really feel that on-line auctions are the best way to get our product to the consumer," a spokesman for the Academy told reporters earlier today. "Especially for international bidders. Until now, American filmmakers had the advantage of being able to simply call in their orders and pay with their VISA or Mastercard. Now the entire world-wide filmmaking community has a chance to buy some publicity."
International bidding isn't the only draw that E-Bay had for Academy officials. "In the past, we operated on a 'first come, first serve' basis. Unfortunately, some buyers get carried away and purchase multiple awards, and we had a few unpleasant situations arise. The "Titanic" fiasco a few years back was one of the worst. However, this is no longer a concern with E-Bay. Their Proxy Bidding system will allow everyone to bid and the award will always end up going to the person willing to pay the most money, as it should be."
There are plans to add an on-line store for purchasing nominations and seats at the awards ceremony. In future years, the Academy hopes to move from E-Bay and start up a brand new auction site made solely for Entertainment Awards: E-Bribe.

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