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career history
  Prof. Rao's Page: Career history
General Practice Jan - Aug 1977 at SM Medical and Dental Clinic and Clinical Laboratory, KF Road, Mangalore: 575 003
Faculty in Forensic Medicine
Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
Teaching MBBS and one MD (Forensic Medicine) PG Student posted in the department from KMC, Manipal during 1988 and 1989
Tutor 6 years (10.8.1977 to 26.8.1983)
Lecturer 2 years (27.8.1983 to 26.8.1985)
Asst. Professor 3 years (27.8.1985 to 26.8.1988)
Reader 2 years (27.8.1988 to 26.8.1990)
Assoc. Professor 4 days (27.8.1990 to 30.8.1990)
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
Teaching MBBS and MD (Forensic Medicine)
Assoc. Professor 1year 11 months 27days (31.8.1990 to 26.8.1992)
Professor 9years (27.8.1992 onwards)
Prof. & HOD 8 years (02.3.1993 to 28.2.2001)
Director of PG Studies 3years (02.3.1998 onwards)
Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, Sikkim Manipal University, Gangtok, Sikkim
Teaching MBBS (Forensic Medicine)
Prof. & HOD 01 Year 01 Month 06 Days (04.06.2002 - 10.07.2003)
Professor 31.03.2004 onwards
Hon Faculty, RN School Social Work, Mangalore
BA (Criminology) 8 years (01.8.1982 to 30.8.1990)
BSW (HealthCare) 5 years (01.8.1985 to 30.8.1990)
University Examinership

Appointed as examiner and question paper setter in various Indian Universities in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa, Orissa etc in:

  • MD Degree Exam in Forensic Medicine since 1989
  • BHMS Degree Exam in Forensic Medicine since 1988
  • MBBS Degree Exam in Forensic Medicine since 1987
  • BA Degree Exam in Criminology since 1987
  • BSW Degree Exam in Health Care since 1987
Special Training
  • Hospital and Health Administration Twentieth National Course by Indian Society of Hospital Administration (ISHA), at Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Dtd. 5-9 Feb 2001
  • Public Speaking Course, by Medical Education Department, KMC, Manipal, Dtd. 11-27 Feb 1993
  • Functions of HOD-Experiences in running the Department Meeting, at KMC, by MAHE, Manipal, Dtd. 26 Nov 1996
  • Problem Based Learning Workshop, KMC, Manipal, Dtd. 28 Feb 1996
  • Teaching and Learning Workshop, by Medical Education Department KMC, Manipal, Dtd. 5 Oct 1984.
University Responsibility
  • Member, Board of Studies Paraclinical Subjects - MBBS and MD Forensic Medicine Degree Examinations of MAHE (Deemed University) Manipal, 2001 onwards.
  • Chairman, Board of Studies Paraclinical Subjects - MBBS and MD Forensic Medicine Degree Examinations of MAHE (Deemed University) Manipal, 1994-2001
  • Expert External/ Advisor & Hon. Member , Madras Medical College and Research Institute, Deemed University, Chennai, 1999 onwards.
  • Member, Board of Studies (External) Paraclinical Subjects - MBBS and MD Forensic Medicine Degree Examination of Dr. MGR Deemed University, Chennai, 1998 onwards.
  • Guide for PhD (Forensic Medicine), MAHE (Deemed Uni), Manipal,1997 onwards.
  • Guide for PhD (Forensic Medicine), Goa University Goa,1998 onwars.
  • Member, Panel of External Examiners (Forensic Medicine), Kathmandu University, Nepal,1999 onwards.
  • Hon. Advisor of Research Board, The ABI Inc. USA, 1999
  • Member Panel of Examiners of National Board Exam Forensic Med, Delhi
  • Hon. Member, Faculty Selection Committee, KMC, Manipal, 1993-2001.
  • Hon. Member, Institutional Purchase Committee KMC (MAHE), Manipal, 1993-2001
  • Hon. Member, Forensic Med Staff Recruitment Committee UPSC, Delhi
  • Hon Member, Forensic Med Staff Selection Committee Goa PSC, Goa
  • Expert External/Advisor & Hon. Member, Staff Selection Committee, PGIMER, Chandigarh
  • Hon. Member, Committee Recognising Faculty as PG Teachers in Goa University, Goa
  • Member, Board of Studies (External) Paraclinical Subjects of MBBS and MD Forensic Medicine Degree Examination of Mangalore University, Mangalore, 1993-1994.
  • Member, Board of Studies Paraclinical Subjects of MBBS and MD Degree Examination of Bangalore University, Bangalore, 1993-1998.
  • Member, Board of Studies of BA (Criminology) and BSW (Health Care) Degree Examinations of Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore, 1998-1992.
Organising and Honorary Services
  • Chairman: Career Development Committee (Vocational Service), Rotary Club Udupi-Manipal, 2001-02
  • Member: RCC (Community Service), Rotary Club Udupi-Manipal, 2001-02
  • Panel of Judges ,Inter Collegiate Cultural Compitition Festival, 2001, MAHE(Deemed University), Manipal
  • Editor-in-Chief: Jnl. of Karnataka Medicolegal Society, 2001
  • Editor-in-chief: Who's Who in Forensic Medicine India, 2000
  • Editor-in-Chief: Preparation for the Millennium in Forensic Medicine, 2000
  • Zonal Co-ordinator-Community Service, Zone II, Rotary District 3180, 2000-01
  • Coordinator: Rotary Free Medicolegal Consultation Centre, 1998-01
  • Member: Rotary Volunteer Committee under International Service, Rotary International District 3180, 1998-2000
  • President: Rotary Club Udupi-Manipal, 1998-99
  • EC Member: Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 1998-99
  • Editorial Consultant: International Jnl. Medicolegal Update, 1997 onwards
  • Founder Chairman: Retract Club of MAHE, Manipal, 1997-98
  • Area Editor: International Jnl. Forensic Medicine Toxicology, 1996-97
  • Feature Editor: Jnl. lndian Academy of Forensic Medicine 1996 onwards
  • Chairman: Public Relation, Rotary Club Udupi-Manipal, 1996-97
  • Gen. Secretary: Rotary Club Udupi-Manipal 1995-96
  • President: Karnataka Medicolegal Society, 1995-96
  • Vice-President: Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 1994-96
  • Joint Secretary: Rotary Club Udupi-Manipal 1994-96
  • President: Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Manipal Junior College (MJC) Manipal, 1994-95
  • Vice-President: Artist Forum, Udupi 1994-95
  • Rotary GSE Communication: Rotary Club Udupi-Manipal, 1994-95
  • Assoc. Editor: Jnl. Karnataka Medicolegal Society 1994-95
  • Vice-President: Karnataka Medicolegal Society, 1992-94
  • Editor-in-chief: Jnl. Karnataka Medicolegal Society 1992-93
  • Editor-in-chief: Jnl. lndian Academy of Forensic Medicine 1990-93
  • State Representation: IMA, Udupi Branch, 1990-91
  • Assoc. Editor: Jnl. lndian Academy of Forensic Med. 1988-89
  • State Rep.: IMA, Mangalore Branch, 1988-89
  • Correspondent: Manipal Record, 1987-90
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