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Cure Cancer
The Dream Made Reality Part 1
The Dream Made Reality Part 2
John Roy Robert Searl
S.E.G. Design and Manufacturing Procedure Experimental Research

Searl Effect Generator

The Searl Effect Generator (SEG) consists of 3 stationary rings with movable rollers. Both the ring and the rollers are made out of 4 distinct materials, making it magnetic diodes, meaning that electrons can enter in the middle and exit on the sides. Best used materials are from outside to inside : Aluminium (paramagnet), iron, nylon 66, neodymium. Basically the whole unit is a magnetic diode. Normally you magnetize materials with DC power, however these materials are magnetized with AC, so you get a sinus pole. If you have the rings and rollers magnetized the same way, and put them 90 degrees out of phase, you get a cardioid polar diagram which points one way. So they will start rotating. Thanks to aluminium, the centrifugal force is cancelled out, so it does not have a structural speed limit.

Due to the magnetic mirror effect becoming stronger and stronger the faster the rollers rotate, electrons are sucked into the machine and pushed out faster and faster, creating a vacuum in between the rings and creates a superconductivity. This will also ionize the air surrounding the machine. You can catch these electrons with an ordinary metal brush, and you can create a propulsion just by putting these electrons inside a CRT and aiming it in one direction. By creating an enormous number of electrons. On either AC or DC current, the SEG is claimed to pump one million electrons on to every square centimetre. A layer of nylon ensures an even flow of electrons. A power company could replace a nuclear power station with eight SEGs costing a total of about $4.5 million and generating 240 megawatts. "They would have the equivalent of a nuclear power station being generated in a area the size of a hotel room and with no pollution." A householder could set up a 45 x 45 cm unit and generate an output of 2 kilowatts of free power, far more than the average person would use.

You can also use the disk as transportation, because in the middle of the disk it is stable. Some interesting phenomena's are anti-gravity and its own space time inside. Hereby I mean a constant gravity of 4.4m/s^2, no matter what the acceleration of the unit is. It does not have dangerous radiation, and does not have a sonic boom (because it recycles the air in it). You cannot detect the machine by radar, because it will suck up that radiation as well. To control it, you can use a regular radio transmitter with a frequency of one of the harmonics used to magnetize the system. The limit to the speed of this disk is unknown but most likely far beyond the speed of light. Later in the text I will convince you that the speed of light is not a limit. Inside the disc you do not feel acceleration, turbulence etc., and it is supposedly quite comfortable. UFO's are an entire different subject, but I like to point out that this machine flew since 1946. There is a thorough knowledge required on the law of the squares to built the SEG (ancient Chinese called these the magic squares. Magic studies are using them. Searl used them to basically built the SEG.) These squares are based on a very simple law. You cannot have matter in the same time and in the same space, but you can have matter in different spaces in the same time or same space in different times. This very basic law you can do almost everything with.

John Searl

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