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Up Xrays Ultrasounds Mammography

Digital (Computerized) X-ray Imaging

Film and CD with your images that your doctor can evaluate or store. You may export images as jpeg and e-mail them.

Patient preparation

Most plain X-rays do not require any.

It is important that in case of pregnancy  (or even if a woman can't exclude the possibility)  you must report it before the exam, so that precautionary measures will be taken.

Benefits of digital technology to all x-ray systems include:

· Lower dosage x-rays can often be used to achieve the same high quality picture as with film

· Digital x-ray images can be enhanced and manipulated with computers and sent via a network to other workstations and computer monitors so that many people can share the information and assist in the diagnosis.

· Digital images can be archived onto compact optical disks or digital tape drives saving tremendously on storage space and manpower needed for a traditional x-ray film library.
· Digital images may be retrieved from an electronic archive for future reference.

Some modalities like mammography require extremely high resolution film to show the small breast cancers and calcifications. Digital detectors capable of a similarly high resolution are under development and will hopefully be available in the future. However, digital imaging is already being used in parallel to high resolution film in breast imaging and breast biopsy systems.

Dental X-rays

How does your dentist know when you have a cavity developing between your teeth, or a wisdom tooth beneath the gumline that isn't growing in properly?

       Dental x-rays provide a picture of what's happening in areas we normally cannot see. Early decay, impacted teeth, abscesses and bone loss from gum disease are all things that dental x-rays reveal.
         When the nerve in a tooth is badly damaged, either by an accidental trauma or because of dental decay, sometimes your dentist (or a dental specialist like an Endodontist) will perform Root Canal Therapy, where a hole is made into the tooth and the damaged nerve (or pulp) is removed with a special file and replaced with a filling material. Usually the tooth is later fitted with a new top called a Crown to help it remain strong.