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Greenbo Malletthumb

Greenbo Malletthumb....Greenbo is a member of Jakob's squad in NOMAD. His short but very intelligent race are very adept at learning the art of majik. Crystalmancy as it is commonly called is Greenbo's trade. He is able to summon core majik into a crystal, where it is stored until he uses its energy to cast spells. He can cast almost any type of spell if he learns the proper words of power to soothe the trapped core to do his bidding. If he is unable to calm the core however the consequences can sometimes be disastrous. Greenbo knows many spells and rarely loses control of the crystals when he does random majik. When he is under pressure that is a different story however. A very kind soul, Greenbo hates violence and very rarely uses his majik n an offensive way. He has never fired a gun at another living being and hopes to keep it that way.....