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Hope you had a happy Chanukah!
Hope you had a happy Winter Solstice! or Summer Solstice as the case may be...
and now I'm wondering when Yule is/was

mp3 aprox 1.91 x 10^3

I have wish list ness. Find it yourself ...Bshpccch.

Beto just pointed out that I didn't have a link to the article anywhere. Is that dumb, or what? 11-15-01
Click Me, I'm Super
note that most of the 'quotes' are just things I said sure to
All in all Anne did an alright job. It's close enough to the truth, but it didn't have enough plugs.
So please take this time to watch a commercial, thanks.

I'm taking Latin and I've decided that my name is a first declension masculine. Here for my amusement is my name, fully declined.

I don't have a quote section up yet, but here are some real gems.
RuPaul: "Honey, you're born naked. Everything else is drag."
Dan Savage: "Everyone should have a baby, they're delicious."
Blake (to Alex): False alarm, Josh is gay.
Mike: That's not a rally, that's a group of people.
Maritza Campos: LOTR RULES BABY!!!!

There was this astrologer named Llewellyn ( tell me more) and now there's a company named after him. Occult publishing here in MN. The site is, the company has an online tarot, you can view my fortune! I like their phone number 1 800 THE MOON.

I got one of those Bianca Broussard letters.

I am dj evil josh. Which means nothing. Going to make an image though. When I do it will be
Until then it's a broken link.

I like online comics!
Clan of the Cats| College Roomies From Hell| Real Life| Acid Reflux| Unicorn Jelly| Everyting Jake
Triangle and Robert| Fight, Cast, or Evade
I think I'm going to start reading Ozy and Millie.
Go here, see why. 01.08.04 addend Fanboy Otaku Gamers Club

Now with amazing banners

Radio K
moo; no, no arf
Immersive Entertainment Group
All Worldz
Queer Student Cultural Center