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High School Memories

My days at Reading Memorial High School were mixed with success and pain. The taunting of the "cool" guys and the smirking of the boys in the drumline would be enough to drive anyone insane. They were like a pack of vultures waiting for me to fuck up. Fuck 'em all now. I've overcome them and thier stupidty.


Y'all have heard of the Senior Parade right? Well yeah I was actually in it. I decorated my car and everything... the decorations took hours to scrub off... anyhow. My mom ended up meeting up with the end of the parade (me) and got to partake in the horn-beeping arm-waving madness. It was her first parade. Here's the carness...



What else can i relate about my high school experiances? Well, nothing really got interesting until I was on my way out the door, so to speak. It was then that i started taking pictures of what I was about to leave behind. Here are those pictures. Thier number alone tells that even then, there was hardly anything to get excited about.