Hardhead w/ Furos (Titans Return)

Allegiances: Autobot
Size: Deluxe
Difficulty of Transformation: Medium
Color Scheme: Charcoal black, pale grayish brown, moderately pale green, and some transparent orange, pale yellow, silver, red, and blue
Rating: 7.7

Robot Mode (Furos)Head Mode (Duros)
    Furos is the new copyright-friendly name for Duros, Hardhead's Headmaster's name in G1. In Titan Master mode, Furos has fairly square, boxy details that makes him fit in with the traditional G1 aesthetic, along with a well-detailed little head with little blue dots for eyes and a nice yellow face. The moderately pale green and grayish brown on the rest of him go together fairly well-- certainly for a guy who forms the head of a military vehicle-- but I wish the brown was a bit more "brown" and less pale. It would've made for better contrast. Like other Titan Masters, Furos has limited ball joint movement at the neck and elbows, and back-and-forth movement at the hips and knees (as one; both legs are pinned together). In head mode, the head more looks like Hardhead's toy version, with a visor and grooved mask. Again, the blue visor and yellow faceplate look pretty nice together, along with the brown on the rest of the front of the head.

Vehicle ModeRobot Mode
    Hardhead's vehicle mode is very much like his G1 toy, being best described as some kind of futuristic asymmetrical tank. He's got four sets of treads (the treads don't move, there's little transparent wheels on the underside), a cannon on the right side, and a cockpit on the left. A Titan Master figure can sit in both the cockpit as well as a fold-out portion at the rear of the cannon. Additionally, there's a little bump on the top of each of the four treads that will peg into the bottom of a Titan Master's foot, so you can have up to four additional little guys standing on this mode. There aren't any robot mode extras in this mode perse, but it's a pretty Cybertronian "fake" vehicle mode, and I don't like how the treads on the sides don't connect, and how the cannon can't slide over to a central position on the top-- it can't even rotate much side-to-side because it knocks into the side of the cockpit (though it can move up and down). Thus, my issue with the vehicle mode has more to do with a few "lazy" issues that make an excuse for stuff like his treads not connecting by just saying it's an alien vehicle. The color scheme of pale green, brown, and charcoal black is a nice military scheme, but each color I feel could be a bit more "bold" to add some contrast-- the brown in particular, though I think the black would've looked a bit better as a "solid" black compared to a charcoally color as well. The transparent orange is a VERY nice shade, though, and contrasts in addition to being bold enough to catch the eye. The mold detailing is one of the highlights of this mode, with a lot of excellent detailing from the faux brown-and-black "port" at the front to all the little vents and panels on most of the figure to the intricately detailed treads. I do wish he had a bit more paint, though, with almost all of the paint in this mode near the center front. There's no paint on the treads beyond Autobot symbols, none on the cannon, none on his gun accessory (which is plugged into the top of the cannon in this mode)-- it's a real shame especially for the treads, given how much mold detailing there is.
    Hardhead's robot mode is fairly predictable when looking at his vehicle mode-- the four treads become his appendages, while the main body folds in on itself with the cannon coming over the shoulder. I do think the lower arms are a bit oddly proportioned because of the treads on the bottom with the fists folding a little bit too far out. The bottom of the cockpit on the back also sticks out from the side of the abs a bit, though this is a more minor issue. Otherwise, Hardhead is quite well-proportioned, with some nice thick shoulders and a somewhat wide chest, which is certainly fitting for a tank-bot. The head still blocks cannon movement some, but the cannon stil can move side-to-side more than in vehicle mode-- and I do love the cannon at the side, it's a nice unique feature for Hardhead. Unfortunately beyond the head, there's not much more paint in this mode-- all the new paint is just on his pelvis, where admittedly there's a nice mix of silver, red, and pale yellow there to add a bit more color to the toy. However, his arms and legs REALLY need some more paint, especially considering they're almost all charcoal black. At least the chest, head, and pelvis area looks pretty good in terms of color breakup. Hardhead's articulation is quite good-- he can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at three points), wrists (at two points), hips (at two points), and knees. His feet are fairly stable, though heels would've helped just a bit more-- but he still can pull off a lot of excellent poses, lack of waist rotation aside.
    Titans Return Hardhead has an excellently proportioned robot mode, great articulation, and a fitting (though not amazing) color scheme, but he has two fairly major downsides for me-- one is some of the aforementioned "lazy" aspects of his Cybertronian mode like the four treads, and the other is a pretty significant lack of paint. I also wish his modes were a bit more obviously different. He's still a pretty decent mold and a very accurate update of his G1 design, but he's a little below-average as far as the line's deluxes go.

Hardhead w/ Furos Bio:
The Autobots unite with Titan Master partners to power up for battle! Furos gives Hardhead a regenerative healing power that instantly repairs armor and systems damage.
Strength: 10 (14)
Intelligence: 6 (9)
Speed: 5 (9)
Fireblast: 8 (11)

Review by Beastbot

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