Legends of Cybertron (Secondary Retailer Exclusives)

In the summer of 2005, Hasbro released the "Legends of Cybertron" subline, which included miniaturized versions of various popular figures from the Transformers: Cybertron mainline. These were both to allow Cybertron to be carried at retailers that normally didn't carry big toys, and so that people who didn't want to spend the big bucks for all the bells and whistles of the larger figure had a smaller version of their favorite characters to play with. And at just $3 U.S. a pop, the Legends of Cybertron figures really are quite a bargain. As noted, however, they were exclusive only to secondary retailers like Meijer's, Walgreens, and the like, and not places like Wal-Mart or Target-- at least until around the third series, when, due to poor distribution, they started to be carried by Toys "R" Us as well. The line ended in Fall 2006, the same time that the mainline Cybertron ended.

(NOTE: These reviews mainly cover the differences between the toys and their larger versions instead of being full reviews, since largely their design and colors are the same as the larger versions.)

Series 1
Hot Shot
Optimus Prime

Series 2

Series 3
Red Alert
Vector Prime

Series 4
Hot Shot (Excellion redeco)
Optimus Prime (Galaxy Force redeco)

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