Blackjack (Combiner Wars)
Vehicle ModeRobot ModeCombiner Chest Mode (w/ Menasor/Motormaster)
Allegiance: Decepticon
Size: Legend
Difficulty of Transformation: Easy
Color Scheme: Royal purple, charcoal brownish black, and some metallic gold, light sky blue, and silver
Rating: 9.3

    Blackjack is a new member of the Stunticons, but he's based off of the G1 Micromaster character of the same name. This is particularly evident in his vehicle mode, which-- beyond the triangular spoiler-- is pretty much his G1 alt mode but a bit rounder. The proportions in this mode are excellent, and the robot extras are minimal-- the heels and feet are fairly noticeably on the back end (though this is partially mitigated by the spoiler piece above them), and there's a few obvious purple hinges below his front grill. Still, overall these are easily overlooked. The mold detailing in this mode is pretty minimal due to the sleekness of the sportscar, but there's intricate detailing where appropriate-- all the little vents on the spoiler are impressive, as is the level of detail put into the tires. Blackjack's main color-- a rather brownish, "impure" shade of black-- I'm not all that crazy about. I would've preferred a much more "pure" form of black, not only for looks but it also would've helped him blend in with Motormaster a bit better, as well. The royal purple spoiler and stripes on the car doors help to add a bit more color variety and make Blackjack blend in thematically with the rest of the Stunticons, though what really makes this color scheme are the metallic gold windows and silver headlights-- they really help add a bit of "bright" to an otherwise dark color scheme, and the gold windows contrast as well as complement the brownish black, given how gold and brown are near each other on the color wheel. If you're willing, you can remove Blackjack's purple spoiler piece-- I will say that the way the handle for it just sort of sits on top of the roof is a bit unsightly-- though there's nowhere else to store it.
    Blackjack's transformation is mostly straightforward-- pulling out the arms from the sides and separating the back end into the legs-- though the way his whole canopy swings over his back and breaks apart to make his chest, upper back, and head reveal is pretty neat. In robot mode Blackjack's proportions are largely pretty good-- his shoulders start a little lower than I'd like, his lower arms are a bit square given that they're molded onto the inside of his car doors, and his upper legs are just a bit too small in comparison to his large lower legs, but none of these are deal-breakers. The only real vehicle "extra" here is the shell of his roof and part of his front bumper that hang behind his back, but they don't stick out much and don't get in the way of articulation much either, so I can't say I mind it. The mold detailing is much improved in this mode, with little mechanical bits like vents, ridges, fake exhaust pipes, and the like all over his robot parts. The color scheme is also broken up a bit better, with the purple making itself known much more obviously in this mode, and broken up by more gold paint apps on the knees and shoulders as well. The headsculpt is also very well-done, and the purple head/blue visor/gold faceplate looks really nice and fitting for a bad guy. That said, the facesculpt is certainly NOT G1 Blackjack's, even if the coloration and vehicle mode largely is-- apparently this was originally intended to be Runabout or Runamuck and was changed late for some reason, but the headsculpt for them still stayed. That said, it's not like Blackjack is a huge character, so I don't mind. For articulation, Blackjack can move at the neck, shoulders (at two points), elbows (at two points), hips, and knees, with most of these being on ball joints, so he has a lot of good poseability-- his large lower legs make him pretty stable, too. Blackjack's spoiler forms an (admittedly weak) sword weapon in this mode.
    Blackjack has a third "mode" that allows him to combine with the other Stunticons to form Menasor, though his part is completely optional-- if you open up Menasor's chest, there's a place to stick Blackjack on in car mode. The only difference from car mode is that you plug the spoiler onto the top roof of the car, as opposed to one end, to give him a more symmetrical look. It would be a nice little extra for Menasor-- if the connection actually worked. Apparently the pegs that Blackjack is supposed to hold onto are too thick and long, and Blackjack falls off VERY easily. This is unfortunate, but at least Menasor still looks perfectly fine with a closed chest.
    Combiner Wars Blackjack is an excellent little Legends figure, looking pretty solid in both modes and with few downsides. I do wish he was more black than brownish-black, his shoulders are a bit too low, and his weapon is weak, but overall he's one of my favorite Combiner Wars Legends figures. Highly recommended-- though more for the toy itself than as a part of any combiner, given how incredibly weak his connection to Menasor's chest is.

Blackjack Bio:
Decepticon Blackjack is a fierce Decepticon who calculates the odds and hatches his evil plans.

Review by Beastbot

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