The Viewer Disclaimer

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Follow These Simple Instructions

1) High Light all text below the line
2) Print out selected text
3) Insert your full name, time and date, and your signiture in all blanks provided
4) Firmly secure document to one's forhead using such means as: Staples, Nails, and\or Thumb Tacks

Documentation shall begin below this line

I, ______________, do here by solemnly swear that I was of sound mind and body when I entered this web site, and that I will still be sound of mind and body after I am done viewing it. Any action or thoughts I may have done before, during, or after my viewing of this site, I do so at my own free will and take full credit for and, if need be, up to and beyond the securing of this form to my forehead. I also verify that I am of mature enough age to view any and all information, text, graphics, and etc. contained in this site even if they are hidden or displayed openly. The creator of this web site had me, _______________, in mind the entire time he was creating it and made it specific to my standards. The creator of this web site is a nice man, a good man, and would never do any thing to harm me at any time. Having said all this, being of sound mind and body, I now freely enter this web site.
