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If you're bored right now, then look at the music pages i've put up under the links sections. Finally, i've found a way (thanks to D'ercole on this one) to play songs in the background. So, just click on the song you want to play, and it'll play in the background of a new page. If u've got a request for a song that you want up there, u can tell me and i might think about it. Also, all of the entries in the guestbook have been deleted, and if you don't put ur name this time, im gonna delete it. Finally, you can check us out on google's search engine. Typing in Orcus might be too general, so put in something like one of our names, then orcus, as in "maisch orcus" and u'll see that we're up there. Enjoy the music bitches.

If you come to this page and an error message shows up, please tell me. if nothing happens, turn up your volume, because you should be hearing some music. Tell me if it isn't working- i need to know.

Check these out

Kevin Hymans' Pages
Brian Maisch's Pages
Joe Kirk's Pages
Band Biography