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Navi Music

I grew up listening to the music my papa listens to, which was classic rock, such as Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy, The Police, Bloodrock, The strawbs, The Fixx, Grand Funk Railroad, Fleetwood Mac, Pat Benatar, Rennasance, and much more. It wasn't until I started high school that I started listening to newer music. In the mid 90's I was into alternative rock, in the late 90's it was gangsta rap(not hip-hop), recently I've been listening to metal, but only the clean vocals, I don't care much for the growl. I prefer doom music, from the dark lyrics of Type-O Negitive, to the doomy guitar of Tony Iommi. To me music is much more than something to listen to, it's full of messages, stories, it allows you to see into the writers world, and can take you into your own imagination. They can alter the way you feel, and change your prospective on life. People who hear your music use that to put you in to a category, if you listen to rap you must be a thug, classic rock your a hippie, sothern rock your a redneck, and if you listen to metal your evil devil worshipers. I listen to all of that so what am I?

Navi Music

Black Sabbath
Tony Iommi
Jefferson Airplane
Lacuna Coil

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