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The Page
Hoozit? Er... Welcomesss my preciousss to the page of cliché titles, incessant rambling, senseless writings, and overall bumbling-ness.


2/28/07: Added a new page called "Dretches" (some drawings and sketches)

2/25/07: There's a fancy new beaver layout.

5/7/05: It's been a while.... Well, there are new icons and a new layout. It's Donnie Darko themed again. Hotness, I know. Also, there is now a Best Page Ever and Guestbook. You know you wanna go.

12/26/04: I wrote a new rant. Go read it... Although it's not quite up to par. Also, there's a new layout with a Donnie Darko theme. Yay!

12/6/04: There's a new page with nothing but icons. Go and git some fer yer webby or blog or whatever else this kerazay internets has.

11/25/04: There's been a whole webby revamping as well as new page added! It's called Fetish of the Moment. Man is that spiffy.

11/21/04: Again... A new layout.

7/30/04: W00t. New layout.

5/6/04: There's a new page added! Bad Pickup Lines :P

5/2/04: There's a new banner on the... banners page of course. It's scary >.<

5/1/04: Another new layout! Yay ^____^

4/11/04: Let's see... There's a new layout, 101 Ways has become 25 Ways, Bob Today, Bob Tomorrow has ended, and there's lots of other little tweaks all over.

4/03/04: A banners page has been added. I realized I had a few banners that I'd made for fun so I put my collection out for people to use.

3/24/04: Eh. There's been a bit of layout updating/altering. Yet again, wow.

3/12/04: Heh. I dare to show my typed letters here after not updating for so long? Anyways, there is one new way to know if you're an Ent in peoples' clothing. (Wow.)