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2000 Fly Ins

Due to lack of time and funds I did not get to go to as many fly-ins as I wanted to this year. The Georgia light flyers moved their fly-in from september to June, exactly when I was going on summer vacation. I drove past Sun-N-Fun in Florida during April, but my wife was with me and she hates Fly-Ins. Northbrook was cancelled, so the only fly-in I was able to go to was the one I wanted to attend most anyway, the Third Annual Chattanooga Sport Flyers and Trikes R Us Fly-In in Jasper, Tennessee. I had a great time, despite the cold. Hopefully the 2001 season will present me with a few more fly-ins. Pictures are below.

Saturday Award Dinner Bomb Drop Competition Hang Glider Landed
Hazy flight to Praters Just Browsing.... Lining up for takeoff
New TC Trike Nickajack Lake Marion-Brown Field
Overflying Larry's Trike Leaving Praters Field We're Next!
Fuzzy picture of Larry Steve ready to compete Taxiway takeoff
Taking it apart Ready to head out Demo in a prototype
Another of TC's trike Azure sky and triker  

Goto 2001 Fly Ins