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Fly for Fun! Low and slow is the way to go.

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About Theosus

This page has been created for not only people who don't know me, but family and friends as well. I work for a small town in South Carolina, in what I would call "public relations". That's all I will say about it. I have been married since 1997, and had a child in 2003. Other than my family I have one major hobby, and that is ultralight aviation. I love reading about ultralights, writing stories and articles about ultralights, and taking pictures of ultralights at fly-ins. Occasionally my stories appear in Ultralight Flying! magazine, but I post most of them here as well. I have taken helicopter lessons, and have taken rides in several types of fixed wing and weight shift ultralights.

Along with my flying habit, I like to take pictures of thunderstorms. Specifically lightning. It is somewhat dangerous, but I try and be safe. The biggest danger is being too close, and if you're close enough to get're too close. I have had a little luck. Mainly, a good storm in South Carolina, at night, in the right place, is hard to come by. I can't drive hundreds of miles like the chasers out west, and getting to a good spot out of town is hard. Check the storm page for pictures and information.

I use a twenty-five year old fully manual Canon FTB for most of my photography (and for all the lightning stuff), with several different lenses. It is still possible to find the lenses for the camera, even after all this time. It's tough and reliable.... and made of all metal. Sometimes it's like taking pictures with a one-pound bag of sugar (weight wise), but I like it. I also have a Kodak Advantix camera, and  a Nikon 2 megapixel Digital camera. 


  I was married on June 14th, 1997, to my beautiful wife, Angie. In 1999 we took a vacation cruise to the Carribean. Here are a sample of the five rolls of film we took. First, we went to Grand Cayman Island, where we stopped in Hell. Between Grand Cayamn Island and Jamaica, we had the Captains Cocktail Party, for Father's Day. Next, we headed to Jamaica, and toured several places, including a rain forest. Here was a pretty waterfall in Jamaica, which is the exact moment our camera broke. And lastly, this is a picture of Jamaica, a nice place to visit, except for all the Jamaicans. The Cayman people are nice and quiet, and don't bug you. Jamaica, on the other hand, is a poorer country, and everyone from the time you leave the boat until the time you steam out of there, is trying to sell you something. Its like an entire nation of car dealers.

We went again in 2001 and it was great fun. This time we went on a seven day cruise, to Puerto Rico , then to St. Croix . Part of it included walking on the Beach where Columbus first landed in the new world. After Leaving St. Croix , we went to St. Thomas and toured the lovely island. On both places we went snorkeling, and saw lots of cool fish. We were simply glad to leave Puerto Rico ASAP however. Although the boat stayed there a while most of it was after dark, and we remained safely on board. We enjoyed activities such as the Captains dinner and the Other activities on board. There are lots more pictures, but not all of them I want posted on the internet.


I was asked to remove the Max Flight MAnual from my site by a representative of JDT minimax. I have done so. Sorry.

For my max weight and balance Excel Spreadsheet right click HERE and click Save Target As. You must have Excel 97 or later to use!

1999 W.W.M.D? (What Would Mark Do) Productions. All Rights reserved. Nothing here is to be used without permission from the author. If I find stolen content on another page, I will give the author a boot to the head.