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About Creation Truths

Purpose: The stated purpose of CreationTruths is to further a proper understanding of science, history, politics, and Biblical Theology and refute objections to the truths it professes in order to futher the Kingdom of Christ on earth.

See Creation Truths FAQ for more information about CreationTruths.

The Writers

Bio: Adam Ross
Adam has recently graduated from  WSCC, a two-year college with a degree in General Education and a concentration in History. He will continue his academic studies with a B.A. in history at Marietta College, and hopes to continue on. He has actively been studying the creation/evolution controversy for 5 years and plans on doing so for many more to come.

He has been a member of the Phi Theta Kappa two-year honor society for a year and a half, was published in the 2002-2003 National Dean’s List, and has recently been honored by the United States Achievement Academy for publication in their Collegiate All-American Scholar yearbook for 2003.

Other bios to appear soon.
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