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Jen's Take 5 Experience

I had the best night of my life on Wednesday February 24 1999. I had the pleasure of meeting my favorite group, Take 5 three times! It all started when I got a phone call from Bowlegged Lou (From Full Force. They wrote Never Had It So Good, Please Stay, and Baby I Can't Let Go, plus others for BSB and *NSYNC, and more groups.) at 7:30 in the morning on Sunday February 21 1999, about something that I had sent him. We got talking about the different groups that they write for, and Take 5 came up. I told him they'd be in Toronto that week and that I really wanted to go. So he told me he'd try to get me backstage passes, or get me on a guestlist. So he called back that night and said he couldn't get Tilky (he'd asked who my favorite was when he first called) but that he had someone else on the line. So he made me name the guys, which I did, then he said "how about Stevie and Clay?" And Stevie started talking to me! I couldn't believe I was actually sitting there talking to them. We talked about a bunch of different stuff, while I was shaking extremely bad! Before we hung up, Stevie said "see you in Canada!", and Lou promised he'd call back with Tilky. And he did, about 10 minutes later! So I got to talk to Tilky too! I was getting really excited talking to him, (Tilky knew he was my favorite) and Lou asked me if I was going to pee my pants! After we hung up, Lou called back again with their tour manager, Kari. She told me I could bring myself, plus three friends to meet them, and she took my name and number. The day finally came, and when I was standing outside the Playdium (that's where they played) they drove by in their van. I saw Tilky looking out the window, and he looked kinda tired. So anyways, we got in, and they were amazing live. They did a dance routine, and performed Never Had It So Good, Please Stay, and I Give. After that, they signed autographs; my friend was first in line, and I was second in line to meet them. First it was TJ, then Clay, Ryan, Tilky and Stevie. When I got to Tilky, I was going to tell him that I was the one that he talked to on Sunday, but before I could say anything, he shook my hand and said "Hi Jenny, nice to meet you!" And Stevie shook my hand and said "Hey Jen, it was nice talking to you on the phone." I couldn't believe that they knew it was me. Kari must have pointed me out, cos I had talked to her before they performed. After that, Kari took us backstage, (well, upstairs in this case) to meet the guys again. They knew we were coming, cos before I got in the door, I could hear Stevie say "where's Jen?" When we got in, they were very sweet. They shook our hands and introduced themselves. First I gave them each a letter and a lolipop, cos my friend Line in Norway said they love them. And did they ever! We also gave them a Canadian flag that we signed. By now I was shaking really bad, and it was really embarassing! We got our pictures taken next, and it was funny cos Take 5 took all the pictures for me. Like Clay took the one of Tilky and I, and Ryan and I, and Tilky took the one of Stevie and I, etc. Clay also took a picture of Stevie and I, but he took it before I was ready, and I was laughing, and I go "Clay, I wasn't ready!" Then he said oops, and the two of us got laughing. It was really funny at the time. Before I got my picture with Tilky, I asked him for a hug, and he gave me the biggest hug! Ahh, so sweet! I also made the Take 5 logo out of this clay stuff, and painted it for the group. Clay opened it, and they all loved it. They're putting it in their tour bus. I talked to all of them, and they're really down to earth people. Ryan and I talked about what people say and do to get backstage, TJ and I talked about a time when they were in Germany, and a fan made a cool sign for them, and they put it on their tour bus too. When I was standing beside Stevie at one point, he started to sing, and it was so pretty. It's one thing when they're performing with music, but it's another when they're singing a capella right beside you. And I also remember TJ singing too. We had to leave after a while cos the guys had to change. So I got some more stuff signed, and then we had to say bye. They were so much fun that I didn't want to leave! We'd been downstairs for about 10 minutes when I realized I'd left my autographed CD cover upstairs, and I definitley needed that! So I got to go back up, and that's when I met them for the third time. I told them I forgot something, so Clay and I looked for it, and he found it there on the floor. Then I really had to say bye! We saw them for awhile after that though, cos the Playdium is a video game place, and so they went around playing games. When I was about to leave to go home, (we live a couple hours away) I looked over and saw Ryan and Tilky playing a shooting game, so I went over and watched for a bit, but then I absolutely had to go! So that was the best night of my life! Although I already have, I'd like to again thank Lou and Kari for making my dream come true. And thank-you to Take 5 for being the sweet guys that they are! ~Jen

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