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This section is dedicated to all the secrets/bugs I have heard about or encountered.

1. When you have cows if you want them to give large milk let them get sick then give them medicine. It will usually boost  the milk a size.

2. I noticed this one day while feeding my cows. If you read the name tag of your first cow on the stall the birth date will be something like jis20 then the day instead of the season. Maybe it's just my game.

3. I don't know if this one works cause I have never actually tried it but if you take your baby while it's in crawling stage and put it right in front of the door of your bathtub then open the door you should take the baby into the bath and when he comes out he'll be so clean you won't even be able to see him. He turns invisible. Not good for anything but it's something to do.

4. If you leave you dog in the bathroom for along time he'll eventually disappear. I wouldn't do this one cause you lose your dog forever.

5. I have finally found a use for the stairs leading to your roof. Put your dog up there. That way you always know where he is and he'll get plenty of exercise when you whistle for him and he'll somehow still be able to eat his food.

6. If you go to the tree by the pond and hit a while facing it you will find a treasure map. from there go straight down and from the top of your field count out 11 spaces. use the hoe 10 times on the same space and you will get the broken music box. To get it fixed become Rick's friend.

               x - -
               x - -
               x - -
               x - -
               x - -
               x - -
               x - -
               x - -
               x - -
               x - -
 dig here X - -

7. In winter while working in the mine get down to the second floor and get a moonlight stone, a blue rock, and a rare metal. give the blue rock to the guy in the craftsman shop and the pot he won't sell you will become blue and you will be able to purchase it. give the moonlight stone and the rare metal to Rick and he'll let you buy a firefly light before the festival and he'll make a teleporter.

8. The tree behind the carpenter's house in the mountains is climbable. To climb it just hit A while standing near it. You can get to the mountain top before the bridge is repair this way.

9. When your cow wins the cow festival your cow will produce gold milk which is worth 500g when sold. I heard that if you give gold milk to the guy in the bakery shop a lot he'll marry Elle really quickly.

10. The more alcohol you drink throughout the year the more you can take at the New Year's Festival. You can eventually clear out the square if you drink enough. Don't buy your alcohol at the bar either. Buy the bottle from Rick at one of the festivals and use it to steal wine from the cellar on the vineyard. To fill up the bottle stand by one of the big containers of wine and use the bottle. Drink wine about 20 times and you can clear out the square.

11. You can find a weather vane in the mine during winter in the third level. Give it to Rick. ( guy in tool shop )

12. Bamboo Float - The bamboo float is a hidden event. It happens on the 7th of Summer every year after you are married. Your wife will be outside at night and will ask you if you would like to go to the bamboo float. Say yes and you will go to the river and get to wish for something. You get the choice of Animals, Family, or Weather. If the piece of bamboo floats your wish will come true.

13. Ok I don't know if this one works but I do know that the potion shop dog does have puppies sooner or later. Ok take your dog and just leave him down with the potion shop dog until the two little boys come by and tell you your dog made the potion shop dog pregnant. I'll check this to see if it works. If it doesn't I'll delete it leter today.

14. If you go to the vine-yard, by the wine barrels press a and have your jar equiped, it will fill up with wine. Feel free to get as much as you want. Don't be suprised if Karen starts liking you more too. If she really likes you, you get locked in there with her for a while. HA HA. Also it builds up your wine stamina for New Years!

15. Theres a few more, I just need to dig through my papers and find them, one is about a teleporter or something.

Newer Secrets

There is a shortcut from the vineyard to the village. Instead of exiting the vineyard and going down the hill,
exit and turn around, go back up the hill and walk past the right side of the bush at the top of the hill and walk
into the black area. Now turn left in the black area and keep walking. You'll appear next at the entrance of
Flower Bud Village. If you turn right in the black area, you end up in the Vineyard again. As with many
glitches, this works most of the time but not all the time.

Climb the tree behind the carpenter's house. No need for a bridge. When you're ready to come back down
jump from the ledge edge to the ground using the A button.

Toss a vegetable or egg into the pond past the carpenter's house (between 9am and 5pm, rain or shine) and
make wishes. Wish for strength while at full strength and the Goddess will give you a power berry. Wish for
Love and Weather, and ...? Some say you can stop hurricanes but it has yet to work for me. Wishing for Love
might make a girl's heart change colors quicker??

Toss a small or medium fish into the pond by the fisherman's tent (between 9am and 5pm) to get the blue
powerberry that keeps you from getting sick from working in the rain.

Go to the tree on your ranch and press A to find the treasure map that leads you to the music box.

Talk to the bartender a lot (talk to him behind the counter at the Inn often, and be sure to talk to him twice
each visit) and he'll give this to you (you must be single). It's a rare wine made by Karen's grandma a long
time ago that your grandpa asked the bartender to keep. Then you can...

Talk to the harvest spites after getting the old wine and they'll talk of nothing else and tell you to go make an
offering in the Goddess pond and make a wish (wake the fairies). The Goddess will take you to the sleeping
grapevine and waken it and the tree will ask the Keifu fairies to return. In Autumn the Goddess will come to
you in a dream and tell you the harvest will be good again. And the vineyard is saved. The following Autumn
Karen will come to get you to see the dance of the Keifu fairies and your photo will be taken.

Grow a lot of flowers on your farm and one day in Summer Stu will come to visit and ask if he can pick one.
Say 'yes' and he'll give you marble(s) in return. Take them to the Sprite and he'll give you a power berry in
gratitude. (submitted by SpaSparks)

Give Saibara (Souvenir Shop guy) a blue rock you get from the mine. The next day visit him again and he'll say
that he refired the red vase (that he previously said was a mistake) and you can buy it. (submitted by TLAM8888)

Be nice to the Harvest Sprites (talk to them and give them crops and forage items often) and they will offer to
feed your animals during hurricane weather.

While digging in the mine on the 3-4th level down, you'll dig up a weather vane that looks like a brass chicken.
Give the weather vane to Rick. He'll be happy you did.

This will appear in the Florist Shop in late Spring or early Summer when Popuri's heart is at least yellow. Buy this
on a day when there are no festivals coming up in the next week so you don't miss a day watering it and have to
start all over and spend another 500G for it (if you mess up, it will be for sale again at the Florist Shop). You can
plant it every summer but you only get a photo for the album the first time around and not additional times.

Your dog and the Potion Shop dealer's dog have a litter of puppies. Take your dog to the Potion Shop and leave
him for a day or so, then sometime later Kent & Stu will come tell you the litter was born.
However, tdloper reports never doing this and still having puppies.

(NOTE: MUST HAVE EMPTY BOTTLE) Go to the vineyard whenever it is open and into the small stone building
where they make the wine. Go downstairs to the coolers and equip the bottle and stand at a 'diagonal' pose facing
one of the coolers (webmaster's note: the one on the right works for me). Then press 'B' to get the wine in the bottle.
You have to be in just the right spot. The bottle will fill with wine. (submitted by Nick01385)

Equip your empty bottle and stand by your milking cow to get a bottle of free milk.

The Special Honey (4th prize at the bakery's lottery Winter 25-29) is used to totally revive your stamina. Be sure
to have an empty bottle the days you go to the bakery to draw on your tickets in case you win this prize.

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