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     Autobiographies are among the hardest to write without embellishing the mundane. An autobiography though accurate should give more than statistics. To do otherwise is at best boring. With this in mind, I have attempted to keep this both factual and entertaining.

      Born in a small Oregon logging community, I now reside in upstate South Carolina with my husband(now retired). His military career allowed me to travel extensively. Being foolish enough to drop out of school, I soon realized my mistake and enrolled in aduly classes. I not only obtained my GED (General Educational Development) but also some college. Several years later I started taking courses on and about the fictional and nonfunctional literary world. Or more boringly put; I got dumb, quit school, left home and got married. A few years latter I got smart, went back to school and got an education. That takes care of some of the statistics.

      My interest in writing began in the mid-1980s. After reading what I believed was a poorly written novel, I complained to a neighbor. Her advice was simple, "If you don't like what you're reading, write your own book." So with her words of wisdom began my meager writing career. Thanks Hattie for the beer, advice, and encouragement.

      Having a few short stories and several works of poetry published, I have just now started to feel comfortable with what I present for publication. Being an avid RPG (role playing game) player, and a member of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), my writing interests are slanted more towards the fantasy, horror, and speculative fiction genre.

      My writing companions are a ten-year old black cat, Max and a two-year old min-pin, Kane. They inform me when it is time for me to sleep by not accepting anything less than me turning the monitor off. At three in the morning their attitudes are nice to have around. Kane insures that I take periodic breaks by jumping in my lap or whining. Max on the other hand will start walking across the keyboard until I take the hint.

      Currently I am working on the sequel to Return of the Maji a manuscript I hope to soon have published. I am also working on another fantasy, and a speculative fiction neither, which are titled at this time.

      A word of advice to those getting started in this field - writing is a solitary profession. Keep writing, public interests are constantly changing. Unfortunately rejections are a part of life and are more prevalent than acceptance. However, sometimes a rejection puts one back in check with reality. Having received my first acceptance before a rejection, I was devastated at receiving my first. Now I have two files for rejections - One for form rejections and the other for those rejections that let me know what might be wrong with the story, poem or article I sent.

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Fanciful Worlds of R. D. Ingram - Copyright ©2000 by R.D. Ingram All rights reserved on all material on all pages of this web site, plus the copyright on compilations and design, graphics and logo. For information on reprinting material from this site please contact