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The mission of the Slidell Church Basketball League (SCBL) is simple; to teach our youth that they are the future leaders of our community and that we do care about them. To champion our cause, the SCBL is offering one-time scholarships to selected graduating seniors who participate in our League activities and demonstrate academic ability, leadership, and character. Each applicant will have to demonstrate a serious intention to enter into a formal degree program at an accredited 2- or 4-year college or university.

[Diamond] Visit here to find out who were the 2000 recipients. Visit here to see who were the 1999 recipients.

In establishing these scholarships, we hope to provide an opportunity to support the educational needs of our youth. Administered successfully, our scholarship program will help our organization to become a recognized benefactor for personal development within the community.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet each of the following eligibility requirements:

    • Full-time participation in League activities for which the current scholarships are being offered (Team member, referee, scorekeeper, concession-assistant, etc.).
    • Graduating senior status at a local High School.

Application Requirements

Applicants must submit all of the following requirements to be considered for a scholarship:

    • Completed Application Form
    • Letter of Recommendation from a personal reference
    • Xerox copy of High School transcript
    • Xerox copy of ACT and/or SAT scores
    • Three (3) references (Minister, Teacher, and League Committee Member)
    • Recent 3"x 5" Photograph

Evaluation Criteria

The selection of scholarship recipients will be based on the following criteria:

    • Application Score based on academic performance, community service, and quality of essay submission
    • Results of a personal interview with the Scholarship Committee

All applications must be submitted to the SCBL Scholarship Committee by 18 May 1999. Scholarship recipients will be announced at the annual Awards Banquet. Scholarships will be paid directly to the college or university to be attended by the recipients. Photographs submitted as part of the application requirements may be used within the banquet program.

[Jade Horizontal Bar]