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Horse Pictures

Horses at Rock Smith Farm

I'm Rulers Peppermint & Iza Occasionaly Blue

Facin and I

Linda Williams (Morgan's Mom!)

Erin Brooke on Spritz when she was just 3 years old!

My trail horse Skip. (Registered name: Skips LiL Showdown)

Guess who!! (riding Skip!)

Adam Houk and Isley (Registered name: Booker Tee Too)They show in: Walk Trot and Trail. Isley is known as the "Walk Trot KING!"

Facin (Iza Occasionaly Blue)

Holt and Sunees Cowboy (Hey Holt! Tell Facin to get her butt out of the picture!! :)~

Holt and her new horse! "Speed Boss Legacy"

Facin as a yearling. Wasn't she a cutie!!?

My friend Jessica's horse: Caseys Silhouette

Morgan Williams and Double L Chip

Boomer is for sale...send email to if interested!!


1999 Year End Awards




This link has all the horse links and information you could ever want!

SaddleRight Inc Orthopedic Competition Saddle Pads

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